It's Time to Get YOU UNSTUCK

Praise for Libby's book, YOU UNSTUCK: Mastering the New Rules of Risk-taking in Work and Life...

"Are you in a rut? Is your gut reaction to change a negative response? In You Unstuck, Libby Gill will help you understand the way you look at risk-taking so you can start moving past your fears and excuses, toward success. This book is a powerful tool if you know you need to change but don't know how. Read You Unstuck and get your life back on track!"
-Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Leading at a Higher Level

"Loaded with practical, proven strategies you can use immediately to take full charge of your mind and emotions in any situation. It shows you how to unlock your full potential for exceptional living."
-Brian Tracy, author of Reinvention: How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

"You Unstuck is extraordinarily motivating! Libby takes on the big monsters of overwhelm and then kindly provides the perfect step-by- step approach to changing the big important things that have dogged you for years. I use her lessons and insights every day."
-Martha Finney, author of Rebound: A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss

"Libby Gill grabs hold of you and helps you create a vision for career "You Unstuck will guide you to become the leader of your own life. Its practical strategies for personal and professional success provide a fail-safe framework for getting where you want to go. This book could not be more timely!"
-Tiane Mitchell Gordon, Senior Vice President Diversity and Inclusion, AOL

"This is a great book! If you've been feeling stuck in some area of your life, You Unstuck can help you break through and take things to the next level."
-Tony Hsieh, CEO

"You Unstuck gives you a great combination of common sense coaching and scientific research to help you understand why you stay stuck in limiting assumptions and how you can finally break free. I highly recommend it."
-Susan Jeffers, Ph.D., author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® and Embracing Uncertainty

"You Unstuck helps you reach inside and determine what's really important. It gives you a step-by-step guide for finding the courage and confidence to move toward what you want. This book should be required reading for anyone with a job, a family, a goal, or a dream!!"
-Todd Blevins, Vice President, Cadbury


Everyone gets stuck. It's part of the human condition. Maybe you're stuck in your career, finances, health or relationships. Or maybe life dealt you a bad blow like a layoff or divorce. The real question is this: What are you going to do about it?

YOU UNSTUCK is designed to give you hope and tools, backed with science, to get you past your sticking points. Hope because that's the one thing you can't afford to lose if you're going to succeed in work and life. Science because you need the latest brain research to understand why you behave the way you do. And tools because the process of life change is so misunderstood, you may have been going at it all wrong. Otherwise, you wouldn't be stuck right now, would you? It's like trying to replace a flat tire without a jack. The more you try, the more hopeless you feel and more hopeless you feel, the more stuck you are. Author Libby Gill wants to help you change all that.

First, see if any of these describe you:

* You know what changes you need to make but you're not making them
* You know what you want but you have no idea how to get there
* You've lost a job, a loved one or a nest egg and it's got you totally shut down
* Your life is basically good, but there's one area you keep avoiding
* You are living other people's ideas about who you are and ignoring your own
* You're willing to change everything about your life except the one thing that really matters

Getting you unstuck is less about changing your behavior than it is about changing your beliefs. Sure, you've got to take action. Your body isn't going to miraculously drop those 30 or 300 pounds all by itself, no matter what the latest diet guru tells you. Your dream job isn't going to land in your lap unless you go out and find it. But if you don't change your belief system as you're changing your behavior, your results will probably be short-lived and possibly even counterproductive. That's why most dieters put all the weight they lose (and more) right back on after the diet is done.

Dedicated to helping people overcome limiting assumptions and undermining behaviors so they can make real and lasting change, Gill created the "Clarify, Simplify & Execute" program that she's used with great success as an executive coach. Readers will learn this proven process to clarify a vision for the life they want, simplify the most direct route to get there, then aggressively execute their action plan.

Through case studies, client stories and illuminating brain research, YOU UNSTUCK guides readers to understand the biological basis of fear and why our natural survival instincts may not serve us in the modern world. Showing readers how to reframe what she calls Riskophobia, our hardwired tendency to avoid risks, Gill teaches them to tune out the fear voices and circumvent their ancient defense systems. Readers can then create an Escalating Risk Hierarchy, by "chunking down" their vision into small, actionable steps, rank ordered from least to most anxiety-inducing item so they can start at the bottom and work their way up the risk ladder. By combining stress-busting relaxation techniques with small action steps, the readers' odds for realizing their vision greatly increase in this Relax, Risk, Repeat cycle. Gill also shows readers how to Avoid Limiters & Embrace Liberators, keeping nay-sayers at bay while seeking influential supporters who can help free their creativity and productivity through the change process.

Capitalizing on her business background, coaching expertise and a personal history of risk-taking and resilience, Gill makes complex concepts relevant and accessible through immediately applicable tools, exercises, self-tests and questionnaires that challenge readers to change. Dedicated to distilling sophisticated concepts into simple action steps, Gill makes a bold promise to readers. If they faithfully follow the YOU UNSTUCK program and it doesn't help them make significant life changes, they can contact her at and she will personally coach them. That's how sure she is that, even if you think you've tried everything, YOU UNSTUCK will live up to its name.

Author's Bio: 

An entertainment industry veteran, Libby Gill spent fifteen years heading public relations and corporate communications at Universal Studios, Sony Pictures Entertainment and Turner Broadcasting. She was also the branding brain behind the launch of the Dr. Phil Show.

Libby is now an internationally respected executive coach, speaker and bestselling author. She has shared her success strategies on the Today Show, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, CNN, NPR, Oprah & Friends Radio Network, Fox News, CBS Early Show, and in Time Magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, O Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Self and many more.