If you’re looking for a business where you don’t have to work, quit reading this article and keep searching.
If you’re still reading, I will tell you I don’t know of such a thing as not needing to work at a business. You and I both know that you have to work – you have to do SOMETHING – to make a business successful. That being said, there are a variety of levels of effort, based on how you begin the business.
The big difference that determines how much you have to do, is how much help you get even before you begin the business. If you begin your new business without any assistance at all, creating everything from scratch, the effort you put forth will be much greater than getting assistance from those who have already created business kits or packages to help you get started.
With a start-up kit, you’ll usually get a manual and some templates of business documents. Sometimes you’ll get a little guidance. But that’s usually all you’ll get. With the majority of start-up kits, you’re basically still on your own. The key element these kits include are the steps to do the process. Unfortunately, normally they don't offer the marketing and sales, or knowledge of the industry. This key component is often what is needed most.
The terms “turnkey” and “turnkey business” and “turnkey business package” have been discussed a lot recently. With the economy as it is, people are looking for opportunities to start their own business. A turnkey business package is a great opportunity, and provides a lot more than a start-up kit.
The term “turnkey” comes from the concept of just needing to turn the key and you’re in business. Many franchises and other business models use this term. The only turnkey business package offered in the home inventory industry is the Hartman Inventory Systems. We chose this business model and it is termed this type of business due to the contents of the package. As with many franchises, in addition to what is provided in a start-up kit, we also include the website, electronic newsletter, continued (support guaranteed in the contract), coaching, marketing materials, knowledge of the industry and the service process, hands-on training, national certification, a secured and guaranteed market area, and more.
However, no savvy business person would expect to turn the key and do nothing – the responsibility is still on the owner to find customers and grow the business. And that’s why we chose the term “turnkey business package”. No matter what term is used – “turnkey” or “turnkey business” or “turnkey business package” – you are purchasing a package, not a business.
Compare the start-up kits and the turnkey packages and you’ll see the difference. There is a difference in the amount of time needed to get up to speed. There is a difference in the time is takes to get the marketing materials prepared, website created, etc. There is also a difference in your initial investment.
Time is money, and when purchasing a turnkey business package, you’re given the opportunity to spend your valuable time building the business instead of learning on your own, making big mistakes, losing revenue, creating marketing materials, etc. All of this is provided for you by the corporate office. You can turn the key and be READY for business – and be ready quickly. What you are buying is a package that makes the process easier. You are investing in knowledge and experience that will give you the edge over those who are going it alone, plus most offer continued support to help you along the way.
Sure, there is a difference in the amount you’ll invest. But as with everything else in life, you get what you pay for. Make sure your investment will get you what you need.
Cindy Hartman has found that a wide range of corporate experience served her well in late 2004 as she and her husband, Mike, pursued their entrepreneurial dream. As President of Hartman Inventory LLC,, a personal property inventory service, Cindy brought her corporate marketing, customer service, training and finance experience into the business. This experience came from industries that included retail, manufacturing, education and distribution.
Additionally, she is Vice President of Hartman Inventory Systems LLC, which is a turnkey package that assists others who have a desire for business ownership. Interest in this new, growing industry is a result of having been burglarized twice. Experiencing the difficulty of the insurance claims process and resulting potential loss after a burglary, fire or natural disaster, she has made it her mission to share the importance of knowing what you own with business owners, renters and home owners. She shares this knowledge through her company newsletter and blogs.
She is a free-lance writer and published author. Her works include many articles and columns in various publications, plus contribution for a book titled Dear Me. Cindy is currently co-authoring a book with an estate attorney.
Loving the entrepreneurial life, she enjoys being active with additional start-ups and most recently has become a successful distributor for MonaVie, realizing and appreciating the benefit of passive income while becoming and staying healthy. She asks, “Why create a life you love if you aren’t healthy enough to enjoy it?”
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