I have learned that before I can defeat that which is defeating me out in the world, I must defeat that which is defeating my naturally curious and ambitious mind.

I make it a daily habit to ask myself the following healthy question, "What self-defeating opinion or idea of lack is holding me back?"

I have learned over the years that negative opinions and ideas are enemies of my incredibly creative nature. Thoughts of not being smart enough, or not having what it takes to succeed, are cruel and abusive to my mind. I see them that way, which motivates me to do something about it.

When I speak of me, I am also talking about you. There is a superb declaration of 'ONENESS' in all of this. What we do for ourselves, we do for others.

The only reason my mind urges me to do the wrong thing is because it cannot see the right thing to do. And it cannot see the right thing to do when cruel and abusive thoughts block its view.

By following right rules, I always act rightly when confronted with cruel and abusive thoughts and visions of failure and lack.

Rule # 1: I need not struggle to win over losing thoughts, but I do need to look directly at them and 'Deny the Lies'. There is a part of me that is dipleased with my collection of limiting beliefs (just as there is a part of you that is displeased with your collection). This part of me does not want these self-limiting opinions to have powr over my choices and decisions. I Call upon this part of me to let these negative opinion know how wrong they really are about me.

Within a corner of my mind I keep the means to question every negative opinion that I hold of myself. I need only allow this curious part of me to investigate further into what I say to myself that discourages me. I Ask myself, "Do I really want to believe this discouraging self-opinion, or am I willing to replace it with somehting new."

You will be amazed at how easily I can change my negative thinking patterns when I become fully awake to them. A great way to awaken to them is to ask questions that put me in command of your mind.

Rule # 2: I must ask empowering questions to myself, if I am to be unaffected by negative thought-habits that hurl sticks and stones at me. The empowering questions place me out of range, on a mountaintop.

Here is a self-empowering question that I ask to interrupt any negative thought-pattern that tries to put me down when I am trying something new: "Do you think I find pleasure in listening to you?" Then I say, "well I don't, so you'll have to talk to yourself." Simply separating myself from the thought-pattern in this way creates mental space for me to see things differently.

There is a special kind of dissatisfaction that leads to true success in any endeavor in life. You must be dissatisfied with those thought-habits that take over your inward self-talk and put you down.

I've offered you some powerful tips in this blog. This is not a book, so it is time to close the conversation. Your means to defeat the mind's enemies is your own firm and unwavering decision to no longer allow your mind to be vandalized by cruel thoughts. Do you like this idea? Then use this idea.

Author's Bio: 

I am a Horatio Alger story still in the making. I have done very well in life, and am now giving back by helping others learn from my failures and painful six decades of growth. I was born into an impoverished environment, left at age seventeen, and never looked back. I have created several very successful epochs in my life in the real estate and restaurant business. I've traveled extensively all over the world, and been in the presence of some of the finest minds and greatest achievers out there. I own homes on the shores of Atlantic and Pacific ocean, enjoy exotic cars, jump out of airplanes and currently am taking Formula 1 racing lessons at Laguna Seca raceway. I am not someone who has simply read a thousand self-help books; I have been an individual who has taken massive action, made a lot of mistakes, and learned volumes from those mistakes. I've published one book and my second book is being published right now. I can be found at
Thank you, Robert White