Being an Ordained Minister it is my choice to refrain from public preaching and preparing regular sermons. Most of my opinions are expressed in writing. I consider this as a privilege because I am not held to any timetable and can truly focus on those matters that I consider should be shared. Writing is also a more permanent record and opens dialogue, discussion and at times disagreement. However, once committed to the written material it is difficult to deny what I said and that somehow it was taken out of context. With that said it doesn't mean that my opinions are so entrenched and not subject to change. In fact spiritual growth, in my opinion, requires frequent change. Just as we change from childhood to adulthood, we must be also maturing spiritually. Having this as a record in writing one can follow the process and evolution of changes in my thoughts and overall attitudes of society.
With this preface out of the way you may be asking what prompted this particular discourse? You can check and see for yourself that I am not by nature a prolific writer, so something must have prompted me to share my thoughts with you the reader. While this sounds strange even to me as I write, it was a dream. A very vivid dream! It felt so realistic that days after I can still recall all the details, faces and images. Unlike most dreams, this one made sense and made a quite an impression compelling me to put it to written record.
After taking sometime analyzing its merits the decision was made to put it into writing and share the message. Please take the time to read it and consider what is being said. At no time are you expected to agree with everything said, however please have an open mind and take a few moments to quietly consider and meditate on the thoughts.
The dream began with me, yours truly, sitting in a large auditorium formally attired and listening to a Preacher on stage. He was what I would consider a typical fire and brimstone type reciting the usual wretchedness of mankind, impending apocalypse and what I would call the typical "the world is going to hell in a hand basket" type. Suddenly in the middle of the sermon he stopped and looked straight in my direction.
For whatever reason, probably because it was my dream, he noticed me in the crowd of several thousand and invited me to join him on stage. I don't recall his name, but he proceeded to introduce me to his listeners as a fellow minister and asked whether I would like to say a few words. Keep in mind it is my dream, so of course my answer was yes. After exchanging pleasantries and expressing my gratitude for allowing me the opportunity to speak, I turned my attention to the crowd.
"Ladies and Gentlemen let me first and foremost say that I am honored to be here. Some of what I have to say will contradict and in some cases be diametrically opposed to what you have heard thus far. Please be assured that this is not done with malice or contempt." There was silence in the room, but they were attentive.
"Let me begin with what you have heard about the state of our world and society in specific. Contrary to what you have just heard, this is the best time in history to be alive. When you truly consider it you will be hard pressed to find a better time to be alive in recorded history than today. I don't think we ever had it better. Would you like to make the world a better place? Well do it! It is in your power. Quit concentrating on all the negativity and suffering. At no time am I denying that it does not exist, however concentrating on it will not fix it nor will it make the life of anyone who is caught in it better. You don't need special training, you have all that you require to begin now. Use resources wisely, stop promoting bigotry and hatred and see people as people not just mere objects or pawns caught up in the game we call life.
"Come to the aid of your neighbor when you see them in need. All these actions can be implemented immediately. Love your neighbor as yourself. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Surely you recall these sayings, now put them into practice. This doesn't mean that you have to like every action your neighbor takes, however I can assure you your neighbors don't necessarily agree with you on everything."
"But who is my neighbor? Quite simply it's the person nearest you at any given time and at any given moment, wherever you are. Greet them each day with a genuine smile. Smile at everyone you meet, not that crazy smile that makes you look insane but a genuine smile that says I acknowledge you as a person. Do this without any strings attached. You will be amazed at how contagious a genuine smile will become. Once again I am not being delusional, I know that there are bad people out there and there always will be. However, good does overcome evil and the power of good is within you now. Start exercising it one step at a time."
"Each day you should meet with wonder and gratitude. Whether its sunny, raining, snowing or just plain nasty it's a great day. Another saying you should recall 'this is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it". Honestly, are you really? Whatever day it is, it's a great day to do great things. Be glad and grateful that you have the opportunity to be alive today and make a difference. I am not asking you to solve the worlds problems, but I would like for you not to contribute to them either. What I am proposing is quite simple and effortless, don't let this opportunity pass you by. Don't allow the noise of the day distract you from what really matters. Make your life an example. Make yourself a type of person someone may want to aspire to be, not avoid."
"If you do this you will be surprised just how beautiful the world is and the great opportunity you have to make it even a better place. Finally before you ask God to forgive your sins, first forgive yourself and then forgive others theirs. Sinning quite simply means missing the target. Not being perfect. This is so self evident that I am amazed it has to be re-iterated so many times. You and I are not perfect and do dumb things, so do others. Lets forgive ourselves and forgive them for something so obvious. Once again, I am not asking you to agree with their mistakes or even accept their mistakes and sins only to admit that they are not perfect and they like you do make mistakes and probably will continue to do so in the near future. Once again another simple concept that requires sincerity, but it will bring about miracles. Don't take my word for it do it yourself.
"My final message to you is that the ball is now in your court. You have the answer, act on it. Simple acts of kindness are contagious and will transform your life, the life of others and the world in general. Do yourself a favor and think about what you have just read, if you read it this far. Let the seed take root and produce a harvest that will surprise and amaze you. You are not a wretched being but a child of God. Behave like one."
In closing thank you for your time and reading this far. Please pass this on to some of your friends and associates. Lets start making today and this world a better place. As the apostle Paul said "when I was a child I thought and acted like a child, but when I became a man I put those childish ways behind." It's time for us to grow up and act like who we truly are.
Mr. Cavric is an Ordained Minister in the Universal Life Church. Much of his time is spent as a comtmeperary commentator on social and spiritual issues. Ivan Cavric is the president and managing director of PrimeQuest Capital Corp. Mr. Cavric is also managing consultant of Associated Financial Corp. For over 20 years Mr. Cavric has been involved with venture capital and start up companies. During this period Mr. Cavric has been on advisory boards of several public, private and start up companies providing management services and personell.
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