In today’s world, there are most of people who suffered from yellow teeth which is varying degrees. Those who brush and visit the dentist regularly may find that food, environmental factors, and over a time they will eventually suffered with yellowish teeth. At that time you have to need teeth Whitening treatment which helps to brighten the shade of your teeth so they appear whiter, fresher and brighter. When you take teeth whitening treatments then it will helps to lighten the yellow stains from teeth and also help to remove other stains and discoloration. It can also improve how your teeth look. It is also popular and affordable choice which helps to brighten your smile. Professional dental care helps to examine your teeth and gums and also advise you if they are healthy enough to go through a whitening process. At Eve Dental Centre, we offer you a several teeth whitening options which are ranging from our custom-made take-home kits to in-practice procedures. Our professional dental care services can vary but generally the improvement is great enough for you to see a change within a short time. Our dentists have an ability to remove all the plaque and tartar from your teeth because we can provide you deep clean and polish which helps to carried out to remove all the stains from your teeth. The time of the appointment will vary depending on the condition of your teeth.
Our dentists have an ability to tell you if you are suitable for the treatment, and will manage it if you are. In the case of dental treatment, firstly our dentists will put a rubber shield or a gel on gums of your teeth which helps to protect them. After that we have applied the whitening product to your teeth which helps to make a tray which fits into your mouth. Our teeth whitening treatment can be usually take three or four weeks and once our dental team has started the treatment, you will need to continue the treatment at home. This means you have to apply this whitening product over two to four weeks for maximum one hour. But if your teeth are badly discolored or suffered with so many stains then at that time our dentist may suggest that you continue the bleaching process at home for a few days or weeks.

After teeth whitening treatment, we also provide whitening toothpastes that helps and maintain the surface of your teeth. They are the gentlest kind of whiteners. They work using polishing action rather than chemicals, they usually do not have side effects. But when you use this toothpaste with this treatment then it does not help to get teeth as white as chemical products. These are that types of toothpastes can lighten teeth a little bit at a time, over days or weeks.

At last, if you want to maintain your teeth as white then you have to avoid tobacco and other junk food and drinks for several days after whitening because when you eat these things then your teeth usually return to their original shade over time.

Author's Bio: 

Aiken Culbert is an expert writer who has written numerous articles on topics concerning Dentist Cranbourne.