“Wrinkles oh.. I don't like them” we often listen to such words and just ignore them. But actually do you know why sometimes we look older than our actual age. The answer to this is “wrinkles”, sound weird but this is the truth. We often ignore them, and then start complaining about aging look. First of all what are these wrinkles let us explore..

Wrinkles action in-detailed

Wrinkle is actually a fold or line which appears as a result of aging. The major factors for wrinkle is glycation process in which protein molecule bonds with sugar molecule without enzyme action, which causes the skin cells dehydration and cause the appearance of lines and folds on skin surface. Some other factors like excess sun exposure, smoking, poor hydration etc. Rhytides also known as face wrinkles start to appear as near eyes, forehead and later on the create a deep permanent mark on face like a stamp. So how to remove them any solution?. But as we know when there are problems they have solution too.

Tell me solution for wrinkles

So these may help you to find perfect solution for wrinkle-free look. Friends I am going to tell you the secret, so be ready Well here are some remedies which may help in fighting the battle against wrinkles especially “rhytides”( wrinkles on face).

Tretinion: Well this may be an expensive treatment but it help to remove wrinkles. It boost cell metabolism which help cell rejuvenation and give us a younger look.

Injectable gel: As tested and approved by medical science this method is useful and show quick result. Initially there was conflict between various scientific communities about this treatment but after proven tests and positive results it has risen up as a wonderful solution for wrinkle treatment.

Microdermabrasion: A machine assisted process which is painless and safe, it removes the dead and bad cell layer over the skin and help to rejuvenate skin.

Anti-oxidizing agent: Use of anti-oxidizing agent along with exercise and workout help to shed dead cell layer and which causes cells production and gives us a younger wrinkle-free look.

Herbs: Aloe vera is perfect for all skin problem as it has moisturizing & healing capability which help to hydrate & moisture skin thus removing wrinkles.

Fruit & milk: Using mixture of milk and papaya fruit help to fight wrinkles as papaya contains acidic contents which remove dead cells layer and increase collagen level resulting in younger wrinkle-free skin.

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