People work hard to improve the community, yet look at that which prevents them from realizing that objective more successfully. It is called "dichotomy" and it is most prevalent in the educational system of this world.

I have observed: "Educators" do not necessarily appear to lead to establish equitable rules; but appear to be lost among others scrambling to secure a financial foothold for themselves, INSTEAD OF TEACHING what is right to government and business leaders about EQUITABLE solutions for all humanity; case in point, what occurred in Wisconsin. In that case, the "Educators" were fighting those who had been "Educated" who themselves should be aware of what the educators were doing - trying to survive like everyone else. And this is the crux of the problem - that strife exists between the "Educators" and the "Educated", who are one in the same.

This defines the QUALITY of the "Education" of the human species.

I ask that you take a broad look at the "Educational System", sort of as if perched up in the air above the earth, watching time pass as in time-lapse photography watching the geographical multiple layers of human events transpire across the globe, evolving to this point in time. I ask this very important question: "What has changed between being a leader (of education, and of government and business) and citizen of the world (a member of the human species) from thousands of years ago, to being a leader (of education, and of government and business) and citizen of the world, today?" Nothing has changed; and the worse which existed then, exists today. And yet, education is purported to influence and be important to society. Has any definition of any word changed over time, that the human condition should remain the same? Mankind continues to add new words and products through technology, ignoring the value of the most basic and necessary words conducive to everybody's wellbeing.

If you take anything from this writing, consider and remember this: The body of educated people, is as a dynamic integral structure of society, where some people who on one hand are learning and subsequently teaching others through their activities, disciplines of spiritual, mental and humanitarian intervention, peace, and health, ecological balance, ways to support and sustaining the population; and yet another part of the same body of educated individuals, these are being educated and educating others, at the same time, teaching and supporting the disciplines which implement tactics of rhetoric, aggression, subversion, war, exploitation of resources, and building policy and financial products which support the economics that cause the very divisions and exploit human lives. This unfortunately is "The Human Educational System:" Create leaders which attempt to unite and resolve in some areas, at the same time creating leaders which implement products and policies which promote strife and division in others. This is the human species "Educational System;" and defines the "economic system" as well.

That's right - This is what most every person's life's work is based on - not on actually being able to give the enjoyment of life to others - but earning a paycheck for themselves, trying to be better than the next guy, trying to resolve something (that was created years ago and continues to exist through modifications) which cannot be resolve because people won't work together toward something good for ALL.

AS A RESULT: The "Educated" leaders of all countries (themselves coming from Institutes of Higher Education) educated and versed in philosophical understanding of the nature of human responses, are "Educated" enough to know how to keep their citizens distracted and their countries AT the brink of disaster and at some odds and distance from one another; and yet can somehow conduct commerce mostly without an interruption in the flow of goods!!!!?

What didn't work historically, to resolve the general woes and human condition of the only cognitive thinking species on the face of the planet, won't work now; and the "Educators" of society should know it. There is no place to go, from a society which has built-in failure concepts which undermine attempts to move society as a whole, forward. I'm not talking about technology; I am talking about the means to actually resolve the "Human Condition" which seems to exist out of the corner of the eye of the educated, because many are just so preoccupied with activities of their pursuits so as to inadvertently minimize its SIGNIFICANT existence; and what actually to do about it. But, business and wealth booms. And as can be seen, the government is at the mercy of business wealth.

The results of the divisions of the "Educated", are not necessarily due to lack of ethics, but more toward a lack of logic. From this, it appears there is a segment of the human species who is kept in a compromised state, in order to justify the existence of another segment. If you have strife, then there must be someone there to mediate or manage it so it doesn't get out of hand. But what "educated" or "uneducated" person needs or wants strife in their life?

So, where does this anomaly come from? Who is responsible? No “uneducated” or even unempowered person created the conditions or questionable processes (laws, policies, weapons, industrial pollutants, etc) which are allowed to continue to exist; or created the products which are destroying body and spirit. It is not how much you teach, but what is being taught as acceptable.

Where is the logic, which prevents teachings which are mostly direct opposites in society? Where are the safeguards which prevent corruption of a system? And most importantly, where is a process which examines a concept before it is implemented to see if it meshes with the overall goal of society? "Educated" mankind takes apart, examines, and categorizes everything else as relates to the world, the other species, products, elements of this universe, and places a specific value on those things as to its contribution to society; but won't do the same in relation to his own actions. That is the blindness and failing of “Education.”

Where does “Education” rank among the guiding elements of society; relegated to be somewhere below the economy, government, business, and entertainment.

Where should it rank? Look at the facts:

We are a species NOT going anywhere soon en mass; and ALL the natural resources of this planet AND information belong to ALL the species over the ENTIRE life of the planet – not just to the generations of specific families or people who amass wealth from the laborers who lift the shovel. And this you should know as "Educators." Has any activity or wealth created by any philanthropic activity resolved any human condition? NO. Has any royal family brought world peace? NO. How many times does it take for educated to realize that just because something sounds good, doesn't mean it actually is? Should it remain in existence for the sake of possible entertainment it offers? No.

What else has education contributed to society?

What kind of “Educational” structure condones the likes of this: the people who are paid less, required to accept that position - actually supporting the salaries of those above them, for those above them to exclude those who are paid less from their social events and venues using money as the deciding factor. THIS IS TO SAY: Respectfully, obediently, and cordially work 8 hours with and for someone, only to have them exclude you with a certain amount of distain the 16 hours of the day! (AND didn't some of the profits created by the work the labors did, help the wealthier kids go to a better school?) What logical occurrances take place because of a lack of respect and imbalance within society? What happens in the other species as a result of imbalances - continuous strife, alienation, sickliness. But we are thinking creatures who should not have to resort to such tactics.

The "Educated" also condone this Incentive/Reward (capitalistic economic) System such that prices are fixed across the board for everyone, but not everybody is paid equally. Consider: A wealthy person and a poorer person both go to the same grocery store and they both buy the same things; a month later after prices go up, they both go back and buy the same things again. Who is harder hit? Now multiply that by adding in the other fixed price increases for everybody - the price of a car or clothing; gas at the pump; housing; water; utilities, etc.

These things are not variables for the different economic groups. Why should the less fortunate have to accept questionable quality offered? What kind of "Educated" society justifies such an imbalanced incentive/reward system? The poor and uneducated did nothing (they didn't devise the economic system; they didn't create the pay structure) are burdened time and time again (Consider the consequences of having to accept inferior quality products as well.), and they stand to lose the most when jobs are cut; because job cuts are made first at the bottom of the pay structure so the profits keep coming in for investors (the wealthier).

Who gets to really pay for price increases or when some shortages occur? Take fuel for an example - the workers who keep the system of commerce going and maintained through their efforts, themselves needing to get to work by car, may have to resort to long drawn-out transit rides to get there, resulting in them being taken away from their family and personal time. This is how they are to be treated for their contributions to keeping the stores manned, the water flowing, the roads maintained, etc.? AND this methodology system is the 'good' incentive/reward system studied, taught and endorsed by the “Educated.” What does that say?

The wealthy say - get an "Education," and become like us (parlay your money into wealth and security) and share in our rewards - without one moment considering that somebody has to be there to do the actual labor - and the structure of society and education doesn't allow everybody to their education they get, or amass wealth in they way they do. BUT, tell me this, why should someone be MADE TO WANT to spend their life doing what the money-gathers do, to enjoy life as they do? Relegate manual labor as less important than some other aspect of society? Whose idea was, and is that; the "Educated."

Mankind is not a totally cerebral creature living apart from a planet which is operating on autopilot with irrefutable laws, conditions, principles, and truths. But the destruction of the planet and declining physical health of people is proving he is trying to. Mankind is built to perform manual labor, spiritually; and to be physically active in the mundane activities of living at home and in sports. And the "Educated" Health Professionals should know and actively lobby this.

There is an absense of logic in the "Educational System" in this world. Education is uplifted as important to children, adults, society; and yet the health of the world and species continues to decline; but business wealth doesn't.

Don’t like what I have already said; then you are not going to like what is coming.

You say this is not your problem; you're teaching some specialized course. Whatever you do as a leader, you're an educator, and you educate. You should know the very basics of logics and ethics no matter what you teach; and there MUST be a basis upon what to teach.

Even before mankind became significantly interested in uncovering the mysteries of his physical being; man had an intimate, innate, instinctual awareness of a highly (educated) intellectual concept, deity; even in the most primitive culture. This was thousands of years ago. How has mankind intellectually advanced (through education) beyond the ‘alleged’ peaks of civilization (which in reality were failures because they fell); he hasn’t. The processes used then, to treat the human condition, are the same today, only modified to suit technology; not the other way around. How "Educated" and smart is that?

Those who have left the hallowed halls of “Education” have used the principles endorsed by the “Educated” leaders; instead of working to eliminate the source of conditions which lead people to be dissatisfied and commit crimes. "Educated" peace-minded leaders have loss ground and continue to lose ground, where there is now institutions staffed by ‘Educators’ to teach people how to find the criminal AFTER the crime is committed. AND NOW, there has come to be so much crime of a personal nature, there is applications or ways to find out if a former sex offender lives in your neighborhood. More and more deterioration and lack of safety AND LACK OF PEACE - as more and more are being "Educated."

Let’s not forget the number of “Educated” Psychologists and Psychiatrists who are also failing to resolve simple issues, because they are not focused nor do they address the obvious - the simple issue of “Equitable” interaction between members of the only thinking species on the face of the planet. Because they couldn't do what ONLY "Equitable" can, and so the "Educated" scientists devised their solution, and pharmaceuticals were made in abundance - Let just medicate for every problem which comes along. This is the best the "Educated" can teach?

More and more layers of institutions (explore the internet alone and count the number) are being created to deal with the issues of emotional distress, exploitation, crime - the human condition; at the same time technology advances. These growing layers upon layers of "educated professionals" are performing work to do what? In the course of daily activities, they mostly support the principles of generating income in copious quantities for other "Educated" - those in business and government; earning a paycheck, and working hard to get a bigger piece of that financial pie the WEALTHY EDUCATED dictate as important to their winter years; subsequently hoisting the burden of physically maintaining the system again upon those ‘less educated’ who are unable to gain entrance into the hallowed halls of entitlement and privilege. Do the poorer less-educated assign their own pay structure? How many recessions, depressions, upheavals must the poor and less-educated endure (at the hands of the educated) due to an economic system that has no safeguards to protect them?

The business leaders think of ways to put people to work - so the businesses grow and earn more. What is wrong with having a society where people work toward fewer hours and have the beautiful home life instead of having to work two or more jobs to keep up economically? The wealthy don't HAVE to work near as hard as the poorer. Society is going in the wrong direction. Consider this example: Your labor-saving device, takes labor to create it, maintain it; and it consumed resources when being developed and built. There is no labor saving, no conservation - someone somewhere is paying the price for you; and with all the supposed "labor saving" going on, the children of the future are going to pay the price of resource consumption. And as for the economic system, the price of your wealth, is someone else's lack thereof.

No matter what you think you have accomplished, the Historians of the future will gaze upon this era (these generations whose minds and hands make incredible technological discoveries) this “Educated” society, and see what I see; the filth of the world left to remain there by the honorable profession of "Education and all those who profit financially by the teachings;" as ineffectual and perhaps as corrupt as any other institution which presently exists. Why must technology and commerce continue TO ADVANCE GLOBALLY between nations; and the human condition for particular segments remain the same as they were thousands of years ago?

I say these words to each and every “Educator” – what I have written is your only (current) legacy to the advancement of the Human Species – and it is Darkness and Despair, even to those whom you allow to reap the financial rewards you hold more important than the life of another soul. No uneducated person empowered you to teach the select knowledge you do. You do not lead to establish equitable rules; you are lost among others scrambling to secure a financial foothold for themselves, instead of teaching what is right to government and business leaders about "Equitable" solutions for all humanity.

As long as even one child is abused or exploited, one adult left to lie in their bodily wastes due to family neglect, you have failed your responsibility to the human species, you "Educated professionals." You professional "Educators" and "Educated" are accepting your position of being backbone support to business and government funneling people into their sweathouses to work as slaves to the business whims; and so the children become just like them. This you do rather than discerning the information which you are teaching and sending out; and the ramifications of what it is doing to the whole of society. Sure Businesses and Foundations will give you money to assist your efforts; so long as you don't ask them to do anything which will upset their intake of money.

This is a message being seen by many. Can you look each other in the eyes; and say you are doing what is right for all humanity, as much as simple commerce does? The other species on the planet get along better than the human species does, and they don't have the capability to step outside pure instinct to work even better; but humanity does. What the other species do instinctually, doesn't even involve an economic system; and they thrive in this world without corrupting resources or themselves - except when killed off by humans.

When I see change in society, then I will know I can think differently about the system of "Education" in this world. If I see these things this way, know that others do to (even if they have not been able to express their thoughts as such), or will begin to see them the same; and you will be exposed for the ineffectuals you are and have been. I only wish you can wake up and see where you could be, and not just where you are.

You may want a name or even a face to associate with this writing. Why? I am not the issue here. There are people living in the streets, under bridges, in mental institutions, in counseling, in jails, and those being abused, exploited, or raped, happening throughout this day who are the casualties of the dichotomies of "Educated" people. They should be your concern.

There will be those of you who will say, "We are just; if we had not created the technology we did, then you would not have the means to communicate your thoughts." To this I respond, "If you had NOT created the technology you did, and instead concentrated on "equitable" and respectful behavior toward one another, then I would not have to say these words.

Now about the self-absorbed and ineffective "Educated" religious: How many are you with your followers; and how many leaders are there for you to confront? Many and few, respectively; and you accomplish nothing. Then there are those whose religion is not peace but they teach that they are better than another human being. Didn't all people start in the womb, even before your particular religion began? You HAVE NOT and DO NOT enlightened leaders to treat all humanity "equitability"… instead induct the ignorant and zealots to perform the same rituals you perform which have no meaning to the enslaved and exploited.... your day of exposure for the ineffectuals you are, has come, too. Show me what you have accomplished these thousands and thousand of years, except to turn a blind eye to the deeds of the rulers of the earth and become their minion; for the sake of being able to continue your rituals and financial security, pomp, and position; rather than coming together and demanding and establishing (global) PEACE you talk so much about giving to your followers. Those of you who don't have a religion are better off than those who can't see themselves for the divisions they create. Mankind is ONE species, not separate religions, governments, or philosophies which only cause strife.

Whoever you call "Educator" and "Leader", they are just people, who were children once (before you indoctrinated them into some radicalism of your choosing); who were to be taught and raised up in the truth. How have you all "educated" the children; what have you done to and FOR the children that they themselves should NOT become as uncaring and ignorant as yourselves? You played; they play. What is to become of them, because you won't speak the truth and guide as you were meant to do? If the Truth (ONLY) is NOT taught, why teach anything at all?

You say you are working for community and PEACE; let's see how far you will actually go to challenge the "Educated" Leaders and "Leaders of Education" regarding their actual efforts to serve community and society. I am asking for their accountability in sending this message to them; and you have more power than I. Or are you just another non-profit occupying space TAKING MONEY AND DOING NOTHING OF SIGNIFICANCE EXCEPT FOR YOURSELVES; or just gathering a paycheck; OR BOTH? You are living lies and half-truths. You can allow Politics to get some person's agricultural handiwork in some foreign country to your dinner table (and a profit in the hands of a business leader); but won't make leaders or men accountable who exploit the QUALITY OF LIVES of other men, women and children ??? Do you want change or not?

You are to educate ALL people to understand concepts such as those which are written, by changing the values in society. Words spoken or put into actions must reflect their actual definition and not manipulated or laced with rhetoric, supposition, conjecture, dicotomy to serve one group or one person's purpose only, but pure to serve all mankind.

What?! Simply go with the status quo? If you simply go with what you were brought up to believe, will anything change? And continue to ignore your ACTUAL responsibility to changing society? Do the natural resources of this planet just belong to some family or to the entire species? Change the Incentive/Reward system of society to something equitable for everybody, and you could eliminate 90% of the management/support staff in society (not to mention most of the conditions leading to crime and emotional distress). It would put most everybody except the elderly, in manual labor position where nobody would have to work more than perhaps 3 days a week for only 4- 8 hours/day and everybody could enjoy family, social gatherings, sports; even rotating through multiple careers through OJT and Apprenticeships just to see what they were all about over their lifetime - far more life enriching experiences for EVERYBODY. Is knowledge to be so confined to one area that other areas can't be evaluated, proposed, implemented as much as any other; or is the wealth of businesses owners to take priority over the human condition? Was there not a much simplier exchange system at one time? There is more to life than the "isms" which are found today.

I have overcome your "Educated" ways; and the significance of these truths I write, will become more and more evident in the coming days ahead. The earthquake of a spiritual nature which you have seen as beginning to grow, will grow, and will not stop until only every upright principle is established on the face of the earth, this I promise. This is something you should work for and hope for, if you are righteous; and fear, if you are not.

Author's Bio: 

jk gregory begins his writing pursuits after 44 years in the workforce, having worked in 13 industries in 34 positions. A self-made philosopher and observer of the human condition, jk brings a unique perspective to resolving life's issues through the truths which lay at the core of every human being.