Man is the only creature God created that can think about what they are thinking! This is important to know, because before we can bring our thoughts into the obedience of Christ we have to cultivate the habit of monitoring our thoughts.
When faced with situations it so important that we that love the Lord be willing to be very discipline in our spirits so as to portray the proper image of Christ at all times.
What I want to share with you is a thought that I got from my study of the book "Your Sacred Self" By Dr. Wayne W. Dryer. As I begin to expound on this thought and enhance it with scriptural context, I know that it will be a blessing to each of us if we are willing to make it part of our lives’.
2 Co 10:4-5 KJVR (“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;)|5|Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
For the sake of time, I will not go into great detail about the context of the verse. However, I will say that the weapons that are being spoken of in this verse are referring to the many endowments that we receive as we submit ourselves to the life of Christ in us.
Thought Captivity.
The part of the verse that I will build my thought on is in verse 5. Now that we as saints possess these endowments that I like to call the mind of Christ, we have the power to "bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
Think about what you’re thinking about.
Man is the only creature God created that can think about what they are thinking! This is important to know, because before we can bring our thoughts into the obedience of Christ we have to cultivate the habit of monitoring our thoughts. Because we have thought a certain way for so long, this will not be easy. To do this we have to ground ourselves in the word of God so we can counter balance our own negativity. Sorry, the Holy Spirit comes to empower not to baby-sit; Phi 2:12 KJVR “ out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
Here is where it gets hard, but I will give you some examples to help you understand. You have to become the "Noticer." What I mean by this is, many times we notice ourselves getting mad, thinking negative, or becoming depressed. However, if you are very observant you will be able to perceive that the you that is noticing the emotions is not attached to the emotion. How many times have you said, "I felt myself getting such and such"?
Nevertheless, because our normal tendency is to go with the emotion we move from being the "Noticer" or witness of what is happening, to being the victim of the circumstance.
God's desire for us is that we would live in victory, but what kind of victory can we have if we are constantly at the mercy of our fleshly carnal emotions. We are not our emotions and it is through this process of becoming the "Noticer" of your thoughts and emotions that we really move into Christ consciousness.
In us becoming the "Noticer", we begin to confront the thinker of the thoughts that can erode our faith in God and our own divinity (entering spiritual warfare).
Rom 7:14-15 KJVR “For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. |15| For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I”.
The Apostle Paul in this verse had become the "Noticer" of his thoughts, actions, and the essence of his natural self.
Just think if we become the "Noticer" of our thoughts. Every action stems from thoughts. No action is produced without first a corresponding thought. So many times, we do not call on the help of the Holy Spirit as a keeper until we have first acted out. Just imagine the victorious living if we would stop sin at the thought level like the instructions in 2 Co 10:4-5!
(c) Copyrights 2005 Wilsonmedia Group
Bishop Wilson is the presiding prelate and founder of Unity Fellowship Alliance Int. The Unity Fellowship Alliance International will serve as a place of Fellowship, Training,for not only Christians, but leaders around the world.
Bishop Wilson is author, Motivational Speaker, Christian Life Coach, and Personal Mentor.
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