William Henry Harrison 9th President of the United States (1841) He was born on February 9, 1773 in Berkeley County, Virginia.Thanks to the influence of his father, the old governor of Virginia , Benjamin Harrison, was governor of the Territory of the Northwest, and in 1801 of Indiana . From its position it was dedicated to negotiate with the tribes of the west the cession of million of hectares.He carried out in 1811 an expedition to prevent a revolt of the Shawnee tribe in Tippecanoe (Indiana). The victory gave him the reputation that would help him get the presidency some years later.http://helohistory.com/
At the outbreak of the Anglo-American War of 1812 defeated another important battle that granted the control of the western territories to the United States . In 1828 he was plenipotentiary minister in Colombia , but President John Quincy Adams described his work as deficient. In 1836 the leaders of the Whig Partyhe was introduced as his presidential candidate. In 1840, benefiting from the electoral campaign of his party, won the presidential elections . The Whigs relegated their leader, Henry Clay , in 1840 , and chose Harrison instead. To attract the South, they chose John Tyler , as vice presidential candidate. After a tough election campaign, he was elected president .Helo History

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