Seminal vesiculitis has a high incidence in urology. Its pathogenic bacteria are generally E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and hemolytic streptococcus, etc.

Can seminal vesiculitis patients have blood in semen?

The answer is not necessarily. The incidence of spermatogonia is not 100%. Hematospermia(blood in semen) is one of the common symptoms of seminal vesiculitis. But it does not mean that all patients will have hematospermia, and there are some exceptional cases.

In addition, hematospermia is not necessarily caused by seminal vesiculitis. Improper sex, penis bruise, and bleeding can also lead to this condition. Get explicit knowledge about the cause to avoid confusion.

Besides blood in semen, patients often have the following manifestations:

1. Poor urination

Seminal vesiculitis is often complicated with prostatitis and urethritis. Acute inflammation patients can have an apparent frequency of urine, urgency, and pain. Sometimes people will have difficulty in urining. People with chronic conditions mainly urinate frequently and have urgent urination, such as burning heat.

2. Pain

Acute seminal vesiculitis patients will have abdominal pain involving the perineum and bilateral groin. Chronic patients can appear pubic area of the hidden pain and with pubic discomfort. And the pain degree will be increased obviously when ejaculation.

3. Systemic symptoms

Acute seminal vesiculitis attack will be accompanied by fever, cold, and other systemic symptoms. Chronic seminal vesiculitis may lead to the decreased libido and premature ejaculation.

When the above symptoms such as blood in semen, frequency, urgency, pain, and abdominal pain appear in men, it is suspected to be seminal vesiculitis. But men still need to go to the hospital to do the relevant examination to confirm the diagnosis and receive targeted treatment.

The methods of diagnosis of seminal vesiculitis are semen routine examination, ultrasonic examination, CT, and MRI. The semen routine examination will show a lot of red cells and white cells in semen. In addition, do semen culture to determine which pathogenic microorganism is.

Ultrasound showed that the vesicle was enlarged, the internal echo was uneven, the semen was poor in sound transmission, and the surface of the seminal vesicle turned rigid, which helped to diagnose the inflammation of the seminal vesicles. CT or MRI should be performed if necessary to assist in diagnosis. MR is sensitive to the bleeding site of the seminal vesicle, and the doctor can find the vesicle angle of the vesicle to be smaller.

What to do when seminal vesiculitis is confirmed?

1. Drug treatments

Patients should choose appropriate antibiotics until the symptoms disappear and then continue to use 1-2 weeks. Chronic seminal vesiculitis needs to continue medication for more than four weeks to consolidate the curative effect. Quinolones, erythromycin, and sulfonamides are commonly used.

The first attack of seminal vesiculitis can be treated with antibiotics. But because seminal vesiculitis is often complicated with prostatitis, it is necessary to treat prostatitis as well as seminal vesiculitis. More effective is the herbal medicine Natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It also prevents inflammation from spreading to other parts of the body, preventing the disease from getting worse. At the same time, avoid spicy food, be sedentary, and have a regular and moderate sex life.

2. Hemostatic agent

People with heavy blood can select hemostatic sensitivity and hemostatic aromatic acid.

3. Drugs to reduce congestion and edema of seminal vesicle

These drugs are diethylstilbestrol, 5- α Reductase inhibitors, etc.

4. Physical therapy

A hot water sitz bath, 1-2 times a day, perineal or rectal iontophoresis, microwave therapy can improve local blood supply and help inflammation subside.

5. Seminal vesicle microscopy

It can clean the blood clots and stones in seminal vesicle glands under direct vision.

6. Surgical treatment

Acute seminal vesiculitis, if abscess formation, needs puncture or incision drainage. If chronic seminal vesiculitis is complicated with ejaculatory duct stenosis, resulting in the poor discharge of seminal vesicle fluid, the ejaculatory duct orifice can be cut through the urethra.

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