This article looks at the weight building supplement creatine and how it can impact your body and what it can do to help your bodybuilding. It highlights the dos and don’ts of the supplement and the ways in which to take it along with some dietary and medical advice to go along with taking creatine.

If you would like to know more about creatine and what it can do for you in regards to muscle growth then this is the article for you.

Creatine can already be found in your body, usually the kidneys and liver. The skeleton hold most of the creatine in the body, around 95% If you do make the decision to start taking dietary supplements, it is recommended that you do so as part of a healthy balanced lifestyle.

Creatine can burn a lot of calories, so when working out you must make sure your energy levels are steady by eating an appropriate amount of food in accordance with your metabolism. It goes without saying that, as with all exercise, water is vitally important for hydration. Creatine is quite common in fitness and bodybuilding circles so it would be unusual if you hadnt heard of it. Although building muscle, there are other effects it can have on your body. The body uses creatine to maintain water levels in the muscles, this comes from an amino acid produced by the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Because its takes a lot of creatine to retain the weight built in the muscle it is often criticised. The weight gained from taking creatine if often known as water-weight, however this is only the case if your endurance and strength dont increase at the same time, which is an unlikely outcome.

Always read the label, but as a general rule creatine should be taken 2-3 times daily in either a pill form or a tasty shake. Cautions must be taken if you decide to take this supplement and you must ensure that you are taking regular breaks in your regime so as not to overwork your body. Checking your stool is a precautionary measure to make sure that the body is processing the creatine properly. It is also recommended you talk to your doctor to make sure a weight training program involving this supplement is wise for you to do.

It's not easy for everyone to take on a bodybuilding or exercise program that involves a supplement like this, but if you make sure to use your best judgment and eat healthily while drinking lots of water, you'll be able to build lots of muscle and look and feel younger. It is sometimes the case that people who are overweight have more energy to exercise. Also a good idea is to run a mile every day and get your cardio in your routine so that you can keep a lean look and symmetrical shape to your body.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article is an avid bodybuilder and weight trainer and enjoys educating others on the benefits of using supplements to boost your workout. He has a wide knowledge of all things fitness and health and has chosen here to focus on the supplement creatine showing how it can help others in their workouts.