There are hundreds, if not thousands of ways to pursue self growth. However, one way stands out from the crowd - writing. Writing stands out for the crowd for one main reason - versatility.

The definition of versatility, according to a quick search on Google, is that versatility is the “ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.”

Taking this definition, we can clearly see that writing is incredibly versatile, and therefore one of the most indispensable self growth tools we have at our disposal.

The Many Functions of Writing

Writing can serve an incredibly diverse array of functions:

Here is a list of some of the different types of writing that can serve self growth:

● Journaling
● Writing goals
● Planning out your day ahead of time
● Creative brainstorming
● Writing for business
○ Copywriting
○ Blogging
Gratitude journaling
● Recording your dreams
● Trauma work
● Reflect on life lessons

Ideas On Writing Before Bed

Priorities For Tomorrow

Just think about all you can do with a journal before bed! You can write out your priorities for tomorrow. Many self-help gurus like Tony Robbins have said that identifying your top priorities and just “eating that frog” as Brian Tracy would like to say are the most important things you can do to grow your life and self.

Plus, after you jot out your top priorities for the day tomorrow, you have an endless variety of choices to journal.

Life Lessons

You could reflect for a moment about what you learned that day, and what you could do differently next time. By taking the time to jot out a few notes, you’ll be much more likely to record these life lessons into your long term memory and make meaningful change.

There has been much research into the idea of Growth Mindsets. Growth Mindsets are where you continue to learn despite failure. You take feedback and use the feedback to improve your response in the future.

For example, if you got some negative feedback from a customer, you could use that feedback to improve your products and services. By journaling out your ideas for future improvement, you’re much more likely to grow, instead of getting stuck in frustration and blaming the customer.

Remember, the customer is always right!


Speaking of growth and meaningful change, you can also write out some situations that you felt grateful for as well. By reflecting and writing out a few specific things that elicited gratitude within you, you’re more likely to remember the silver lining in life and that every downside has an upside.

Heck, gratitude is so important that the University of California Berkeley has an entire center devoted to studying the powerful effects gratitude can have on your health!

Here are two simple tips to keeping a gratitude journal:

- Write 3-4x per week. Writing daily actually decreases the amount of gratitude as it becomes repetitious. You’re best off doing it more sporadically, but still on a regular basis.
- Be specific - write what about the situation or person made you feel grateful

Creative Brainstorming

After gratitude journaling gets those positive emotions flowing, you can pause for a moment and let yourself associate.

Just let your mind wander and write down any images, phrases, or ideas that you might have. By letting your brain wander and just spontaneously writing down whatever comes to mind, you will uncover loads of creative ideas!

This task can be a little harder than your typical journaling because you are using the right side of your brain, as opposed to the left side of your brain.

The left side of your brain is where you exert logical thinking and willpower. The right side of your brain you have to relax and be patient.

If you’re willing to wait and day dream a little bit, you can oftentimes get unstuck from your problems.


Perhaps the deepest form of journaling you can do is dream work.

While this is perhaps the most challenging and difficult to learn aspect of journaling, it perhaps is the most therapeutic and deeply life changing if pursued over a longer period of time or used when life gets difficult.

While dream journaling isn’t for everyone, it still serves as a reminder of who diverse writing can be.


See writing, why it’s one of the most versatile and indispensable forms of self growth, is simply because when you write you train your brain.

The conclusion is simple! Don’t overlook writing on your self growth journey.

Find some way to write every day, whether just reminders for gratitude, life lessons or deep dreamwork.

This is a guest post written by Jared Levenson. Jared Levenson is an Eating Coach and Counselor who writes about mindfulness, intuitive eating and personal growth at Eating Enlightenment.

Author's Bio: 

Md Rasel is a professional blogger.