As the conversation around the climate crisis grows, more people are thinking about shifting their current way of living to a more sustainable one. But first, what is sustainable living? In simple terms, sustainable living refers to a way of life where the demands we place upon our environment can be met without reducing the capacity of the environment to provide for future generations. It is a conscious lifestyle where we not only think about ourselves, but the future to come.

The current world of capitalism doesn’t give the idea of sustainable living much importance. People live beyond their means, they aim not to fulfill their need, but their greed. And as you might already know, greed knows no bounds. For some people, the idea of living sustainably seems too overwhelming. The reason for this is misinformation and inaccurate opinions people have. They believe they might need to spend a lot of resources and efforts in order to be more environment-conscious. Consider this fact, one ton of 100 percent recycled paper saves the equivalent of 4,100 kWh of energy, 7,000 gallons of water, 60 pounds of air emissions, and three cubic yards of landfill space. Just recycling paper could save so much, do you still think sustainable living is too difficult?

Every little step you take, even if it's just recycling paper, counts towards the journey to a world built on sustainability.

There is another question lingering in the minds of people, why is it important to live sustainably? The answer to this question is three-fold.

1. Individual wellbeing

At the core of sustainable living is the idea of simplicity. To consume less, and to shift the focus on things that truly matter. These can be your personal relationships, the pursuit of meaningfulness, volunteering for causes, etc. When you think about it, saving the environment ultimately benefits us. For example, switching from petrol and diesel-based vehicles to green vehicles will reduce pollution, meaning your lungs can breathe in cleaner air and you can prevent a plethora of diseases.

2. Social development

As sustainable living improves individual lives, it collectively leads to a better society. Many studies have indicated that a connection to nature and space for social interactions leads to positive psychological effects such as reduced stress and anxiety. In essence, restoring forests and sharing with others will help build stronger and healthier communities.

3. Economic benefits

A report published by the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate predicted that investing in low-carbon, sustainable growth could lead to economic gains of $26 trillion by 2030. Focusing on aspects of sustainable development like clean energy systems, waste management, water management, etc. can lead to 65 million new jobs. The efforts though, need to be made now if we want to reap the economic benefits of sustainability.

The above points prove that sustainable living has many advantages to it, for individuals, society, and the economy. But it is not just about the advantages, it is also about our moral obligation to protect the resources we are given and to maintain the balance of the natural ecosystem. If this trend of excessive consumption and careless living continues, the future may be very dark and dangerous. It is our responsibility now to take steps necessary to save our planet and lives of the future generations.

Switching to sustainable products such as eco-friendly shopping bags, reusable masks, bamboo toothbrushes, etc. can be your first step as you transition to sustainable living. Being recyclable and affordable, they will ensure that you minimize your carbon footprint and use natural resources judiciously.

Author's Bio: 

Rajat Sahoo, is a blogger and have years of experience of the domain. I love to read and write about latest and useful tips for clothing, Fashion and lifestyle.