According to the survey, about 15% of men will have prostatitis symptoms at some time in their life. Because they pay more attention to their work and career, they often don't pay enough attention to their health. Many men have good physical fitness, but they are often troubled by prostatitis in their life. Although men's character is open-minded, this aspect of the problem sometimes let them shy to talk. Men do not need to cover up too much because prostatitis is common. The main reason is simple. It can be roughly divided into four points.

1. Fail to urinate regularly

Many prostate diseases are "suffocated." Due to the nature of the work, some men often busy at work and forget time. Sometimes they want to go to the bathroom, but they are interrupted by an unexpected event, and then they have no sense of urination.

Instead of disappearing, the pent up urine is stored in our bladder, waiting for the next release. Many men think that holding urine doesn't have a significant impact, as long as the next time they go to the toilet to have a clean row. In fact, this idea is wrong. Do not go to the bathroom in time will cause urethral obstruction. And the position of the prostate is also easy to produce stones. If there are stones, then urination can not be unobstructed, a long time will harm the prostate.

2. Eat and drink stimulating food frequently

Many men love to roll strings, eat meat and drink in large bowls, which is also a man's heroic performance. They are bound to have many social parties in society, where smoking and drinking are common. It will make their prostate unhealthy for a long time, and there will be hyperplasia, inflammation phenomena.

To protect the prostate from damage, in addition to the reasonable arrangement of the diet, men can eat some good food. Mung bean and tomatoes can play a preventive role in prostate disease. Some nuts materials, such as walnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc., can also prevent prostate hyperplasia. In addition to these foods, men should also add more water at ordinary times and always keep a thermos cup around you.

3. The cleaning work is not done well

Women's physiological structure is different from men's, so they are easy to get gynecological diseases. Many men feel that they are not as easy to get sick as women, so the cleaning effect on the body is not done well. If they don't take a bath frequently or finish washing in a hurry, they may impact the prostate. It is understood that many patients with prostate diseases because their immunity is not as good as ordinary people, will be particularly vulnerable to bacterial infection.

Therefore, men should pay attention to cleanliness because of their physiological structure. At ordinary times, underwear and socks must be washed separately to avoid fungus contamination on the feet.

4. Always keep sitting for half a day

The prostate can be said to be the most vulnerable part of their body. A long period of inactivity will make the prostate compressed or congested. If this is always the case, prostatitis will appear unconsciously. Therefore, when working, men should get up and walk a little at intervals, and don't always stay on the sofa when being at home.

Prostatitis is a common male disease and can be cured. Antibiotics are the first choice for bacterial prostatitis. For chronic prostatitis, the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can achieve the Western spectrum antibacterial effect and cure the disease without drug resistance.

Each person's physical condition is different, and the treatment effect is also different. Once having prostatitis symptoms, men should go to the hospital to do a comprehensive genital examination and take appropriate treatment according to the examination results.

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