The Law of Attraction as explained in The Secret teaches how you can have, be and do whatever you want in life. So why focus on money?

Money on its own is neither good nor bad. It is the meaning we give it. However, there is an urgent need for teaching the laws of creating money to the world.

Take any group of 100 people at the start of their working career and follow them for 40 years until they reach retirement age and here’s what you’ll find, according to the Social Security Administration:
• Only 1 will be wealthy

• 4 will be financially secure

• 5 will continue working, not because they want to but because they have to

• 36 will be dead

• 54 will be dead broke – dependent on the meager Social Security checks, relatives, friends and even charity for a minimum standard of living.

That’s 5% successful, 95% unsuccessful.

These, of course, are US statistics. In the rest of the world, especially the developing world, the situation is far worse.

But What Makes this 5% Different?

There are millionaires with college degrees, and millionaires with little education.

There are millionaires who were born rich. And there are millionaires who were once
dead-broke and homeless.

There are millionaires in developed countries, but also millionaires in poor nations.

There are plumbers who are millionaires, and doctors who starve.

There is no single quality that stands out among the wealthy except ONE…

The Wealthy People in the World Understand and Use the Law of Attraction in their Daily Lives.

The millionaires understand that abundance is there for the taking. It is not a win-lose situation – there is enough for everyone. We can all be rich.

But humanity must learn to harness the correct thought process to attract wealth…

To which group do you want to belong? Check out my articles on this blog and change your mind and your results!

Author's Bio: 

Angela Schulz-Henke is a success and business coach since 2008. Her mentors are among others John Assaraf, Michael Gerber and Bruce Lipton.
She works with EFT in her coaching.If you want more success - I support you!