Here`s what I have observed over the years. Many people start researching options for transitioning to a career. Let`s take Barry, a typical client who completed a Job Joy Report. He has a comfortable secure government job that he hates. His mind has two contradictory goals: he wants the vitality offered by a new career that better fits his authentic self, but he wants to avoid financial insecurity.

Although Barry wants a new career, as he starts to explore it, some of the tension is relieved but his fear of financial insecurity increases. Therefore, in order to avoid a future that might be financially insecure, he stops taking action because to take action and move out of his comfortable government job into a new career means he might end up financially insecure - damned if he does, damned if he doesn't—the classic double bind.

If you are in the same kind of position, then this service is for you! In my experience of working with individuals for the past 20 years, I have seen this oscillating pattern persist for a decade in many cases. Furthermore, what happens over time is that the frequency of this movement between the two poles—in this case Barry's desire for financial security and his desire for more vitality in life attenuates until the individual actually stops wanting what they want, and stops striving to attain it. At this point, they are literally stuck in the career trap. If you are stuck, I strongly encourage you to join Job Joy for Life.

Stop believing it`s not possible to you to get out of the career trap. It is!

When we find ourselves in a double bind, each of us has a choice: we can remain in the structure and find a way to cope with its negative effects on our health and well-being, or we can get out of it. Getting out of the career trap means choosing what you really, really want.

Understanding your Key Success Factors and how the correlate with specific jobs in specific work settings is the key to a successful career transition. You can get the answers to the following questions:

What are the natural talents you use and consistently bring satisfaction to you when you are doing what you enjoy most and doing it well?

What is the subject matter that you gravitate to without even trying?

What situations or conditions have to exist in the job environment to bring out the best in you?

How do you naturally build relationships with others? And what is your natural role when working with others?

How do these key threads of your life come together to form an essential motivation that runs through your life like a vein of gold?

Answering these critical questions is what I do and, by doing so, I put you on the path to career success, to living a better story!

You can have a career that will recognize, reward and motivate you for what you do naturally and effortlessly, just like many others who have made a successful career transition.

Author's Bio: 

George Dutch is a certified Job Change Expert For 20 years, I`ve helped over 3000 people just like you who felt lost or confused or trappeda and wanted a better job fit! Are you ready to change your job or career? And start working naturally and effortlessly so that you get ENERGIZED by your job instead of drained, dumped out, dumped on, or dead-ended? For more information please Visit