Prostatitis is a disease that puzzles middle-aged males. The main symptoms of patients with prostatitis are often frequent urination, urgent urination, endless urination, and disharmony in the lives of some couples. This situation usually has a significant impact on a family.

Prostatitis is a disease that is easy to relapse. It will significantly impact patients' quality of life, mainly reflected in psychology, emotion, sexual life, and social identity. At the same time, the repeated recurrence of chronic prostatitis and continuous medical consultation often cause significant economic losses to patients.

The main reasons for prostatitis coming back are as follows:

1. Prostatitis often occurs repeatedly, mainly due to incomplete treatment and failure to change their bad living habits. The prostate has a layer of shell envelope, so it is difficult for common drugs to enter and play an influential role, so it is difficult to treat. After getting sick, you must strictly follow the doctor's advice and take sufficient drugs in the entire treatment process to eliminate inflammation. If you stop taking medicine after the symptoms subside, the bacteria are not destroyed, and you pay little attention in daily life, it may lead to disease recurrence.

2. Prostatitis is related to bad living habits, such as long-term alcoholism, sitting, long-term cycling, holding urine, often eating spicy and stimulating food, indulgence, or abstinence. These habits will lead to the onset of prostatitis. Although the condition can be effectively controlled after active treatment of prostatitis, if the bad living habits are not changed, and the prostate is stimulated repeatedly, it will lead to the recurrence of prostatitis again.

3. Prostatitis can easily lead to prostatic duct blockage, prostatic fluid can not be effectively discharged, deposition and inflammation occur repeatedly. Organs around the prostate, such as the urethra, ejaculatory duct, seminal vesicle, epididymis, and vas deferens, are also prone to inflammation. When prostatitis is combined with inflammation of the above organs, they will affect each other and occur repeatedly. Inflammation of ureter and bladder or systemic diseases leads to inflammatory factors in urine, leading to recurrent prostatitis. The long prepuce and phimosis can also cause retrograde prostate infection, leading to repeated attacks.

4. After treatment for some time, many people feel that their symptoms have improved, so they immediately stop taking medicine themselves. The improvement of prostatitis symptoms does not mean recovery. Self withdrawal of drugs may cause inflammation to attack again, which not only prolongs the treatment process but also leads to bacterial susceptibility to drug resistance and affects the follow-up treatment.

Men need to attach great importance to prostatitis. Only when it is wholly cured can men eliminate the recurrence of prostatitis. Therefore, for the treatment of prostatitis, men must take targeted treatment.

In the treatment process, men must clarify what causes prostatitis, do not hide the doctor, actively cooperate with the doctor and apply the medicine to the case. Moreover, the treatment methods of different types of prostatitis and different degrees of disease will also be various. Therefore, they should cooperate with the doctor and the treatment according to the doctor's instructions.

Patients can find pathogenic bacteria for bacterial prostatitis through a bacterial culture of prostate fluid, blood culture, and urine culture. According to the drug sensitivity test results, a reasonable selection of corresponding antibiotics can quickly treat the disease. For nonbacterial prostatitis, the effect of herbal medicine will be more evident than antibiotics, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.

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