Ejaculation during sex is a normal physiological phenomenon, but some men will also experience the symptoms of semen flow in sleep, commonly known as spermatorrhea; many men feel, particularly, panic and fear that they have suffered from a serious disease, in fact, most of the spermatorrhea is due to physiological reasons, only a minimal number of causes are due to pathological reasons, so there is no need to worry too much.

Why do you have spermatorrhea?

1. Strong libido

Some men have a strong libido, and even after having sex, they can't restrain their desire, which leads to sexual arousal during sleep, causing strong stimulation to the central nervous system and ejaculation. In addition, they often read unhealthy books or film and television works because of the sexual impulse, leading to spermatorrhea.

2. Weak Physical Condition

Suppose a man's body is relatively weak. In that case, the function of various organs and tissues will be in an unsound state, indirectly leading to the cerebral cortex's control ability being insufficient, and in serious cases, it will even lead to the lower centre of the loss of control, prompting men's erection and ejaculation centre in a relatively excited state, which will ultimately lead to spermatorrhea.

Physical weakness, chronic diseases, consumptive diseases, fatigue, chronic insomnia, malnutrition, etc., poor physical condition, all aspects of the body physiological dysfunction, the jurisdiction of ejaculation of the nervous system will also appear to be an incompetent phenomenon, easy to induce frequent spermatorrhea.

3. Local lesions

Sexual organs and urinary organs are closely related to men's sexual and reproductive functions. When the sexual organs or urinary organs have local lesions, such as phimosis, urethritis, prostate diseases, penile, and so on, it will cause stimulation of the sexual organs, resulting in spermatorrhea.

Patients need to be treated in time for these reproductive system diseases, such as prostatitis and urethritis caused by spermatorrhea. Otherwise, it may affect the male sexual function. Natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, with the effect of clearing away heat and removing toxins, activating blood circulation, and removing blood stasis, which can eliminate all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms of the patient and enhance the patient's sexual ability.

4. Too thick quilt

If the quilt is too thick, it will make men have an involuntary erection in their sleep because the pressure of the thick quilt will cause stimulation to the penis, making men involuntarily ejaculate in their sleep, that is, spermatorrhea, which can be alleviated by choosing the right quilt.

5. Hot bath

Often soaking in a hot bath to relieve fatigue has a certain help, but if often if the hot water bath makes the testicles maintain a high-temperature state, not only will affect the production and development of sperm but also the male physiological function of the adverse effects, and even lead to the emergence of spermatorrhea.

6. Frequent pedicure

An appropriate pedicure can make blood circulation more fluent, but it can also dredge the meridians and blood to regulate the nervous system, which also has a certain help. Still, if the pedicure time is too long or too high frequency, it will put the cerebral cortex in a state of long-term excitement so that the nerves are always overactive, and ultimately, it will be the case of spermatorrhea.

Warm tips
Men usually try not to watch unhealthy books and films and actively participate in physical exercise so that the quality of their body improves; in general, try not to cover too thick a quilt, bathing time to pay attention to the temperature of the water, have to make foot massage habit of men to control the frequency.

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