In today's world, everybody seems to look healthy, prosperous, happy and tempted to earn more and more. Each one of us is in the race to get more money to spend, more things to enjoy, more pills to become healthier and more tasks to pursue. We, are blindly following our standards. Some of us are more persistent and ambitious than others in doing that. Some are more hardworking and motivated to achieve their goals than others. Some are more focused and strict in their routine to get what they want from life. Some wait for others to help them out to get what they want. Some remain contented and enjoy whatever they already have. The main idea is that we in one way or the other are in the similar programming:

a. Following a path to get somewhere
b. Fulfilling our present needs to get more in future
c. Looking for other ways to improve our present condition
d. Attracting new paths, new goals, and new tasks every day
e. Trying to look happy in the meanwhile
f. Smiling to leave an impression on others
g. Being social to fulfill our social needs
There is one exception: the people who live in their past. So they are exempted from this discussion.

Apart from all that, have you ever considered the feeling that you are missing every day, with each step you ahead, with each goal you achieve, with each success you embrace. The feeling in your heart-the pure touching feeling!

You must be enjoying your life though. You might be happy with your present finances and family matters. You might be having vocations in the nearby country to have fun. Even then I would say you are missing something. Something touchable- something for free; however, not each one among you could experience that!

To help others by all means. Have you ever thought, to help others, means to help yourself. When you help others, you feel light, ecstatic, and touchable. Your feelings are unique, distinct and subtle. Your feelings are pure, perfect and complete. You feel a lot in a single moment, you go miles ahead in a second, you are at the highest place in just one minute. Those feelings you must have in your life before, but for how many times- once or twice. So you are missing them badly. You do not know how much you need them. Your real health lies in that secret. Your existence is only possible if you feel like that- touchable.

Although there are many other things to do in the name of goodness, but my emphasis is on the things that we do for others on a voluntary basis. These things bring a real joy in our heart that is priceless indeed. When we get gratitude from others, we feel gratitude in our heart too, and that means we touch hearts. In other words we say thanks to the Universe in our own way. We are sending a message of gratitude to the universe. Touching hearts must be spread all over the world to increase the volume of gratitude, to reduce the miseries, diseases, cruelties and sufferings. Give me a hand in doing that. Will you?

Author's Bio: 

Mona Aeysha, PhD, is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist, have been working as a Teacher, Counselor and Researcher in several institutes of China, Pakistan and Cambodia. Her major areas of interest are: self-esteem, self-concept, conceptual psychology, belief psychology, self psychology, preferential psychology, cultural psychology and women psychology.
You are always welcome to contact her via email if you have any query in this regard.
Dr Mona