If you have done every attempt of attaining a conceiving stage yet not able to yield results for more than a year, then it’s high time to consult a fertility expert. In contemporary phase of time both may suffer problems of infertility but now with the grace of technology; these problems can be rectified. Assisted Reproductive technology and surrogacy is known to offer high end results to many intending couple willing to have babies. Mumbai Fertility clinic can help you with many cases such as: -
1.Age related issues: - Many females may find it little difficult to conceive after the age of 35 or 40. The gynaecologist will advise for screenings and medications will be provided if the problems are minor or in the later stage IVF treatments are suggested.

2.Consumption of any sorts of addictive elements: - There is tremendous impact of lifestyle and consumption of drugs or alcohol lows down intimacy act and even affects on sperm. Best Male Infertility treatment specialist do advice effective treatments without pinching hole in the pockets.

3.Medical conditions in female: - Even the past medical history or existing disease could affect the levels of fertility therefore it would be much reasonable if you explain the entire case history. Surrogacy clinic in Mumbai is also helpful for patients suffering from the problems of uterine fibroids, PCOs or severe conditions of endometriosis.

4.Obesity: - Disturbance in hormone levels could also be major cause for infertility. A healthy diet and proper medications are suggested to enhance the chances of conceiving.

5.Disturbed Menstrual cycle: - Healthy eggs can’t be produced if there are multiple episodes of imbalanced menstrual cycle or in fewer cases early signs of menopause. With IVF treatments it is one way to attain pregnancy by using donor eggs.

Author's Bio: 

Ramyaa Das is a passionate Health Blogger and professionally a Nutritionist.