It is now thought by many dermatologists that exposure to highly processed ingredients, synthetic preservatives & mineral oils commonly found in many conventional skincare products are a primary cause of skincare problems like Eczema, Psoriasis as well as damaging general good skin health. This is why natural skin care ranges that are free from the ever increasing list of unnecessary ingredients are becoming so much more popular. Understanding that our skin is sensitive & unlikely to look and feel good if overburdened with unnecessary damaging toxins is becoming the usual as opposed to a view held by just a very few. These new ranges are most often found in the many independent health food shops around the country who very consciously try to stock only good quality "clean" products on their shelves. And fortunately there are quite a few manufacturers who have developed these new natural products with the same basic ethical stance.

Natural & organic is not only good for us but also good for the planet as it limits the use of synthetic pesticides & fertilisers which are really damaging the soil & wider environment of plants, birds, insects. The bee population, crucial to the plant ecosystem, is believed to have been damaged by overuse of toxic pesticides in modern farming methods.

There are many great natural & organic moisturisers, lotions, sun creams, shampoos and conditioners that can really help with the issues that many people try to address when buying skincare products. And many of them are top of the range high quality products that are often cheaper than the similar high end products found in the big chain shops. The best natural versions are all generally free from harmful chemicals like Parabens, SLS, Petroleum Jelly & synthetic fragrances.

Certain products have been designed to help with issues like Eczema & Psoriasis by using carefully chosen ingredients like Calendula, Chickweed & Evening Primrose Oil whose qualities lend themselves to helping with these conditions. Some products are great for acne using ingredients like organic chamomile, grapefruit, rosemary & tea tree oils. Some are directed at the holy grail of skincare - anti-wrinkle & anti-ageing. Popular at the moment are Pomegranate, Rosa Mosqueta & Sea Buckthorn all of which help to nourish and feed the skin with valuable vitamins & minerals that we hope help to keep us looking younger. These products really can make a difference & are backed by a huge amount of research into the natural qualities of organic essential oils & herbs.

So choosing organic & natural skin care products is not just a sensible, based on price & performance, but also a great ethical choice as it supports independent manufacturers & shops and protects both ourselves and the planet from unnecessary damage.

Author's Bio: 

Matthew has worked alongside qualified nutritionists and natural skincare specialists for over five years
and is passionate about spreading the word on natural & organic products and supporting independent ethical businesses.
The Natural Products Company