When blogging it is important to establish a sense of community on your site since this will help increase traffic to your platform! The first thing most site visitors look for when initially landing on any blogging platform is activity in the form of comments! This type of activity typically results from interesting blog content along with the encouraged involvement of readers by allowing comments in the first place! Once this community sense is established it becomes easier to increase traffic through reader referrals while also keeping new site visitors on the blog longer due to the activity!

Let's examine how establishing this community sense helps boost reader participation which in turn helps increase traffic to your platform!


With an environment that communicates 'welcome' and invites participation by everybody site visitors feel they belong almost immediately!It all starts with making people feel comfortable and if they do it is more likely they'll spend more time looking around and participating!


Creating a comfortable atmosphere is one thing but when people offer their comments and/or suggestions it is up to the blogger to respond! By responding to or acting upon suggestions people begin to develop the feeling that have a voice in the development of the platform itself! This tends to make someone feel more 'invested' in the blog and therefore their loyalty strengthens!

Stimulates Give and Take

As people become more comfortable and individuals develop a greater sense their contributions matters, activity naturally tends to increase. When this occurs more comments are left and a greater buzz is generated helping to increase traffic as well!

Learning Increases

Sparks are now flying with more folks leaving their comments, voicing their opinions and sharing their own insights! This results in a greater learning experience for everybody and makes for a much more interesting blog!

Intrigue Builds

Based upon the level of interaction amongst site visitors with different opinions and new ideas being tossed about intrigue begins ti rise! The more this give and take goes on, the higher the level of involvement and the greater the buzz the platform generates thereby attracting new site visitors! And the cycle goes on...

Establishing a sense of community when blogging is very important in terms of making site visitors more comfortable. As critical as creating interesting blog content may be the ultimate success of your platform is reflected in the level of activity that occurs. Without creating an environment that encourages participation most interesting blog content will NOT get a response from readers! The comments left at your site are used as a barometer' of sorts as to its popularity which then creates a 'buzz' and helps increase traffic! It's important to let people know they are welcomed as is their participation and by doing so this creates a 'surge' as discussed above that leads to more site visitors!

Author's Bio: 

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
To learn more about creating a sense of community on your blog and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit:http://blogbrawn.com/