Brainwave entrainment can make people to achieve many things like improving their creativity, boosting the self esteem and conquering addiction to various substances. It also helps in increasing the power of the mind. Brainwave entrainment also helps those who are looking for esoteric experiences like astral projection or lucid dreaming. This is successful when there is isochronic tones recording. Isochronic is derived from “iso” that means equal and “chrono” that relates to time. Isochronic tones are sounds that happen at equal intervals to the tones duration.

A good example is the guitar string. If plucking of the string is done then muted after a number of seconds and this is repeated time and again, it will result to isochronic tone. The isochronic tone is heard at equal intervals and this is what is used for the brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment takes advantage of the way brains function. Brains generate numerous brainwave frequencies at various consciousness levels. Brainwave frequency like sound is measured in terms of cycles, seconds or Hertz (Hz).

Brainwave frequencies are recorded using equipments like electroencephalogram machines. The frequency bands that are widely recognized are the delta which is for frequencies that are less than 4Hz and theta for frequencies that are over that but do not exceed 8 Hz. The other bands are alpha for 8-12 Hz and beta which is for over 13Hz. Brainwave entrainment that is also called brainwave synchronization is achieved by entraining brain waves to a stimulus that is repeated periodically like sound or light pulses.

Brainwave frequencies that a person has when awake are different from those that are present when the same person is sleeping. When a person is made to listen to a recording isochronic tone, the brain is entrained to a certain brainwave frequency for a brief moment. This harnesses the benefits which are associated to specific frequency. Those who are exposed to the frequency access different mental states and also abilities in a simpler way.

The benefit of the brainwave entrainment is that it enables the user to easily get into the intended state of consciousness state. This is also important to those who trying to access certain mental abilities. A good illustration is that of the people who meditate. Those who use brainwave entrainment recording can achieve a level of meditation within a shorter time. This would have taken over five years without there use of brain entrainment recording.

It has also enabled people to enter hypnotic state that is self induced in a simpler way. This is an indication that brainwave entrainment makes a difference in the personal pursuits that many people have. The others cases that need the use brain entrainment using isochronic tones include:
• Improving power of mind
• Curing insomnia
• Reducing anxiety
• Astral projection
• Boosting energy
• Lucid dreaming
• Strengthening immunity

Brainwave entrainment can be used to benefit any person which is in the right state of health. It is safe, but there are people who have their consciousness altered if they are not prepared for it.

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