Let's come to terms with it. Who wants to be obese, especially women? It is well known that obesity in this nation has become a plague. Why? If you watch Television, you realize the media is always shelling us with commercials about things to eat.
For what reason are the ad agencies flooding everyone with so many TV commercials about food, especially about McDonald's or Burger King? The simple fact is they want us to get obese so we will go out and expend more cash on diet products. This way you can temporarily lose the weight and then start all over by going back to the junk food joints to get fat again, while money roll in for them. Out of your pocket too! It is a circular scenario. It is a nasty cycle.
Comprehend one truth. The fitness condition of the most of the populace in developed countries has worsened to such an point that it has literally turn into a calamity. According to experts, about 70% of the adult population living in the U.S is fat. This means that if you are thin and healthy you make up the minority.
That's just a depressing reality and something that needs to change. To think that the typical way to live is to be out of shape, fat, and have all kinds of illnesses? It is crazy. To think that nine out of ten people are fat is a bad stat. And this is what this nation is leading to.

Why is this nation leaning toward getting fat? It is because most of us are just happy lounging around. Children are not spending their time running around and having fun outdoors. In its place, they get on their video games or waste time using the Internet or chatting with friends or others.
In addition, people are getting fatter because of the way they eat. They try to snack quick and end up eating unhealthy foods. Everything that is bought from the grocery store is pre-packaged with preservatives. It is refined. Most foods are packed with chemicals to keep them for shelf life. We live in a fast-moving planet. For this reason folks say they lack time to prepare fresh foods or are too exhausted to. So they grab fast junk foods from corner stores, fast food places, and restaurants.
The plain and straightforward fact is that people have become indolent. In order to break out of that, you need to push yourself to maintain control. You have to act with full awareness.
The solution to being fat is clear-cut. Make better food choices, plan your own meals, and get out and do something physical. If you do this, you won't have to worry about being obese and you are really doing something about it. You are putting yourself on the right track. And confidently it is a fast track to fitness.

Author's Bio: 

As a former Soccer coach, also college(including Graduate level) training in Biochemistry and as well as Anatomy and physiology K. N. Adel has a vested interest in helping others succeed and become healthy.
The goal has always been to educate everyone about their bodies and how to manage and eventually lose the unwanted fat. If this article shocks you, then you must get a copy of the Fat loss e-book on How to Create a Lean and Healthy Body Quickly. Once you do this, you will learn the right way to eat and will lose that weight and keep it off as well. Just go to Fast Fatloss Blog to get more ideas ranging from what to eat, exercises, even mental attitude and motivation tips.