When many people look at their family’s crest or coat of arms they may be surprised to see that there are birds or animals used in the design. These animals may appear on the shield portion itself or may be placed on either side of the shield and look as if they are holding it up. The animals that appear on the shield portion itself are known as charges whereas the animals that hold the shield up are, appropriately, known as supporters.

The different animals and birds can vary substantially in meaning. Here are some reasons why your crest or coat of arms may have animals or birds on it.

Did the animals relate to a family’s source of income?
Some families were known for the animals they raised. If a crest or coat of arms has cows, sheep, pigs or horses on them it may have meant that the family was known for the animals that they raised. There were some animals that were linked to specific properties or qualities as well. Animals such as lions, for example, may have had specific meanings. Their use on a crest or coat of arms would have meant that the family also displayed these tendencies or qualities. They may have been very brave in battle, very steadfast in their support of a monarch or very loyal when it came to their friends. These qualities may have been reproduced on a family’s crest or coat of arms.

Animals that supported a crest or coat of arms were also just as important as the animals that appeared on the coat of arms itself. The use of a specific type of animal may have meant that a family was linked to a specific country or government. Lions, unicorns and other animals or birds are prime examples of this.

What to consider when looking for your family’s coat of arms
There are a few things that you should consider when searching for a family coat of arms or crest. You want to make sure that you are choosing the right one for your particular family. There may have been several different options that belonged to one last name. They may have varied depending on the country that your family came from or even the member of the family that you are descended from. If, for example, there was a last name shared by English and Scottish branches of a family the coat of arms or crest would likely have been different.

It may also depend on which member of a family that you were descended from. Certain members of a family may have been known more for certain qualities or lifestyles than other members of the family were. Therefore, the coat of arms for that family member may have had specific details on it that were not shared by all members of the family.

If you deal with a reputable company they should make it easy for you to find the correct crest or coat of arms for you to use. They should also be able to explain what the different items or elements meant so that you can then explain it to others.

Author's Bio: 

Mark White is a freelance author who writes about topics concerning Family heritage and history. to know more about Mark please visit his website http://www.family-pride.org