No tie shoelaces have become hot commodities in the short span of time. They act as substitutes for traditional shoelaces with the purposes of removing the knots that come with tied sneakers as well as giving your sneakers a different look. If you are not an owner of no tie laces yet, then you have no idea what you are missing.

No Tie Shoes Lace

No tie laces are sturdy, stretchy, and come in many different colors. One popular color that people prefer for their laces is white. However, there are actually two different versions of white available for no tie shoe laces, and you may not be satisfied with how a pair of pure white laces would go with your sneakers, so it is important to consider both before deciding on the right color for you. Here are the two kinds of white no tie shoe laces to buy:


This is the pristine, pure white that you will get in the form of tieless shoelaces. Incredibly clean and bright, they will undoubtedly stand out when worn with dark sneakers, such as black or navy blue ones. These shoelaces will
transform the look of your sneakers for the better. Giving off a clean, cooling effect, they look great on sneakers no matter which color you own. White is also the color used by sports teams to not just contrast with other colors on the uniforms, but to make players look radiant as they are on the field or the court.


An off-white version of no tie shoelaces. This color has that aged and vintage look that makes it look appealing in a different way from white. If you don’t like that bright, cold effect that white shoelaces give off, you can get canvas shoelaces that look more tame and tolerable to your sneakers. If you want to make your sneakers look more classic than new, then we recommend canvas as your white shoelace of choice. Canvas is often the color that designers prefer over white, as it gives off a more timeless aesthetic in home and apparel design than pure white does.

Should I Get White Or Canvas?

Both white and canvas no tie laces look different in appearance from one another, despite being very close on the color spectrum. If you still aren’t sure which one to get, narrow it down to what you are looking for in appearance with your sneaker.

Choose White If…

White no tie laces are what you should choose if you want literal white shoelaces. If you have sneakers that are brand new and want to maintain them, or you do a fairly good job at maintaining them so that anything white stays white, then white no tie laces will look good on your sneakers. Or if you happen to have sneakers with a cool color tone, then no tie laces will give off an invigorating effect that canvas no tie laces wouldn’t be giving off. One thing to keep in mind about white shoelaces is that they are very hard to keep clean, so be sure to clean them as soon as you notice any stains.

Choose Canvas If...

Canvas shoelaces are what you should get if you don’t want pure white shoelaces. If your sneakers are years old and stained, or they happen to have white accents that are more towards canvas than pure white, then you should choose canvas no tie laces for your sneakers. Sneakers that have warmer or neutral color tones will give your sneakers a comforting, relaxing vibe that isn’t present with pure white no tie laces. Unless you have stains that are larger and more noticeable, canvas laces should do a good job at hiding stains that develop over time, making them retain their classic color.

We don’t really consider one type of white to be better than the other, as both colors have a place in a person’s sneaker. You can always purchase both colors and try each of them out to see which one look better to you.

Author's Bio: 

Ashly William is a freelance writer, with years of experience, creating content for varied online portals. Her content is published on many national and international publications. She has expertise in writing about Education and Beauty, Fashion And Lifestyle.