Plastic surgery is a generic name given to a category of surgeries. It is not associated to a specific part or region of the body but a set of various subdivisions such as reconstructive microsurgery, aesthetic surgery, hand surgery, treatment of burns, and scars and so on.

Technically it is divided into four major specializations:
• Cosmetic Surgery
• Reconstructive Microsurgery
• Hand Surgery
• General Plastic Surgery
Let’s understand the most popular one, i.e., Cosmetic Surgery.

Cosmetic (aesthetic) surgery

Is it the exclusive privilege of movie stars or media people to improve their physical appearance through cosmetic surgery? No, it isn’t. Today, cosmetic surgery has become very much acceptable and accessible to everyone. There is no need to feel bad about looks and appearance. One can correct and improve it to look better and feel better.It can achieve several benefits:
• Improves the body image
• Boosts the self-confidence
• Increases social interaction
• Enhances professional productivity
Types of cosmetic surgeries
People are nowadays caring more about how they look. Since the majority of cosmetic procedures are affordable, accessible, and low risk, more and more people approach cosmetic surgeons.

Here are some commonly used cosmetic surgery procedures:

Breast surgery

Breast enlargement boosts self-esteem and improves the feeling of sexuality. Cosmetic surgery in Bangalore can augment the breasts by using implants. Change in the shape of breasts is very common due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging. By using cosmetic procedures, surgeons regain the original shape. Over sized breasts can cause physical discomfort. Breast reduction is a common procedure to make them proportionate. Male breast enlargement in men happens due to the enlargement of mammary tissues. Doctors perform liposuction and scar patterns to correct it.


Liposuction uses ultra-thin hollow metal tubes or cannula to suck the fat from various parts of the body, e.g., abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips, neck, and so on. It is done by using mechanical, laser, and ultrasound devices. Based on the complexity of the case and the amount of fat sucked out, patients get discharged immediately, or they have to stay in the hospital.


Popularly known as “Tummy Tuck”, this procedure reshapes and firms the abdomen. It removes the fat and excess skin from the middle and lower abdomen. It tightens the fascia and muscles of the abdominal wall.

Body contouring procedures

Buttock augmentation and buttock fit procedures correct the appearance of the buttocks. It removes the excess fat and tightens and lifts them. Usually, this procedure is combined with abdominoplasty, the procedure that reduces belly fat.

Facial cosmetic surgery

Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty reshapes the eyelids. Rhinoplasty corrects the shape of the nose and improves its appearance.

Marvel Multi specialty Hospital- the best choice for cosmetic surgeries

The center for Cosmetic Surgery at Marvel Multi specialty Hospital offers state-of-the-art facilities, the latest technology, and expert surgeons. Here you find doctors who carry the vast experience of providing the full spectrum of plastic surgery problems-from common to exceptional. The doctors and medical support team always search for best practices in healthcare, which lead to their superior quality and performance. The hospital has emerged as the ‘leader in the field’ with the complex and rare procedures offered.

Reasons you should prefer Marvel Multi specialty Hospital for cosmetic surgery:
• Technology and facilities: In a cosmetic surgery hospital, technology is the backbone. The hospital embraces emerging technologies and improves the capabilities of modern medicine. There you get experts who excel in surgical and clinical skills. They can manage advanced procedures so that patients feel the least discomfort and pain.
• Excellent team: You get expert doctors and technicians who are experienced in several sub specialties. They are passionate about giving holistic outcomes by creating a physical, mental, and support system.
• Reliability: It is a trusted hospital that assures care, performance, and compassion through safe and reliable procedures. The doctors guarantee that every method brings good results.
Marvel Multi specialty Hospital considers five T’s necessary. They are Team, Talent, Technology, Treatment, and Technique.

Author's Bio: 

The Department of Plastic/ cosmetic medical procedure at Marvel Hospitals gives answers for all adjustments or reclamation of structures and capacities. Our advisers in plastic medical procedure have wide mastery in playing out a wide range of medical procedures, viz., reconstructive, small scale vascular and corrective.