By Raymond Angus

Does finding senior jobs mean you have to know and
understand some ancient mystical incantation to be

Or maybe you will simply have to settle for anything that
the gods of chance drop into your hands out of sheer pity?

Don't let anyone tell you that is the way it has to be done.
There is no secret to becoming gainfully employed!

Most senior jobs lurk just out of sight under the surface of
the employment arena.

You have to look very closely to even be aware that they're
there…but they are.

Once you know of their hiding place, you can then map out
strategy to apply for them.

The answer to the senior jobs search dilemma, if there even
is one, is simple. It requires equal portions of effort,
planning, preparation and persistence to get the exact kind
of employment you want to have.

A job search for seniors can be enjoyable and immensely
rewarding! Employers are coming to realize that senior
citizens can provide very profitable and rewarding results
in their workplaces.

Many hiring managers have come to realize that senior jobs
can be filled by mature people with sound experience, well
established skills and strong, developed work ethics.

But, unfortunately, not every organization has attained that
new plateau of understanding.

That being a fact of life today, you as a senior looking for
a job will have to initially create a focused market for
your individual services.

Don't run screaming into the night because of this. It's
not all that difficult to do!

You will simply have to package and define your value to
prospective employers.

Many older workers seeking employment have become very good
at defining the market value of their services, and
presenting that package to hiring managers and business

Some seniors have become so successful at this they are now
in demand in scores of employment markets.

They have become so effective at presenting themselves and their
skills to businesses that they are being picked for a lot of
good jobs previously reserved for the younger folk.

The basic problem you will have to first overcome is your
mindset. Most seniors have too often convinced themselves
that their only chance to be employed is to grab the first
job offer that falls into their lap.

Do you think this way? If you do, then you will have to
scrub that thought out of your mind.

If you want to stake out your own special piece of the
senior jobs market, you must first sit yourself down at the
kitchen table, or desk, and define the exact kind of
employment you want.

I mean the exact kind of job you have always wanted. We're
talking about that special work you have always dreamed
about while you were doing something else. Remember it?

Sure you do! You called it daydreaming, or gathering wool.
Whatever you referred to it as, it is still kicking around
in your memory.

Now is the time for you to pull it out into the open and sit
it down on the table right in front of your eyes. In the
past, whenever it snuck into your thoughts, you would
anxiously push it away and confine it to never, never land.

You would feel almost guilty whenever it crossed your mind.
You didn't feel good enough to actually perform that kind
of job.

You didn't think you were really capable of doing it.
You felt that someone would find out what you were thinking
and poke fun at you.

Now is the time to go for it! Stop the wishful thinking
about what might have been, and gear yourself up for what
could have been…and can be now.

Take out a piece of paper and write number one at the very
top. This is the beginning of your action program. You are
going to go after exactly the job you have always wanted.

Flesh out the picture for the work you have always yearned
to do. Define where you want the physical employment to be.

What it will compensate you with. And what time you are
willing to devote to making it all happen just the way you have
always envisioned it.

Let your imagination run with the feeling of this job. This
will be the foundation of your own personal senior job.

Do you have the picture in mind? Now, go for it and make it


Author's Bio: 

Raymond Angus is a widely published author who has spent fifty years writing for, and about, major corporations, professionals, and celebrities. His website, highlights why seniors are a natural resource and treasure. Learn why seniors experiences and skills are eagerly sought after by business and society today. Visit