It may seem strange but often working out is not always enough to trigger weight loss, even if you are eating healthily…

However, if you are exercising and still putting on excess lbs, you may need to contemplate including the following tips into your weight loss program.

1. Get a health check

There may be a medical reason why you are putting on weight such as hypothyroidism, anxiety, the menopause or the use of certain prescription medications. For this reason attend your physician, get a physical and tell them your weight loss issues.

2. Assess your heart and breathing

The easiest way to review this is by using the Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion, and making sure you are exercising enough to get results, but not so much that you are leaving yourself gasping for air. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 sleeping and 10 running fast), you should approximately be around a 6 or a 7.

3. Start a food journal

No matter how often you exercise, if you are consuming too many calories this can cause weight gain. The difficulty many of us have is under guessing our calorie intake. Even the littlest of meals – a small packet of crisps or a cappacino – can add hundreds of calories to your daily consumption.

To see if you are unintentionally allowing calories get under your radar try weighing, measuring and noting down everything you consume and drink in a food journal. Then at the end of each day, count the number of calories you have had over the course of the day.

You will quickly be able to spot which foods are causing you problems. Yet, for added support talk to a nutritionist who can assist you to organise your strengths and your weak spots.

4. Try a pedometer

Supposedly for every 2,000 steps you take per day, you can shed approximately 100 calories. To discover how many steps you do every day start wearing a pedometer and keeping track of how many steps you take in a week. If for instance you are already walking 10,000 steps, increase this by another 2,000 to get the results you are looking for.

5. Begin doing strength training

Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so by including strength training to your workout a few of times a week, you can steadily boost your lean tissue and boost your metabolism.

For the best results, try to include free weights, resistance bands and exercise machines…

6. Change your pace

As with many things in life, it is simple to get stuck in a rut with your exercise routine. Try pushing yourself more by including short bouts of fast-paced intensity training such as cycling. Try to pedal as speedily as you can for 30 to 90 seconds (every 3-5 minutes) or adding hills to your treadmill routine.

7. Do what you enjoy

It is easy to get distracted by the numbers on your bathroom scales, particularly if your day to day routine is the same. Instead begin mixing up your workout regime by getting involved a new activity, listening to energetic music and most importantly ensuring you focus on feeling good and healthy.

8. Get plenty of shut-eye

Sleep is essential. Sleep too little and this can cause you to begin putting on fat. Equally, being tired all day can encourage you to ingest more as a means of dealin, leading to extra weight gain. To avoid this, aim to sleep for roughly 6-8 hours every day.

For permanent satisfying fat loss, it is essential that you find a balance between your nutritional intake and exercise. Yet, to help give your diet a jumpstart, the support of a quality herbal supplement can help.

Clinically tested through 6 clinical assessments, Proactol has been found to bind up to 28% of your daily fat consumption, suppress your appetite, decrease your cholesterol levels and boost your energy; the ideal combo for assisting your weight loss to head in the correct direction.

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Author's Bio: 

enjoy writing articles, letters to the editor, prose, and short stories. I use to paint when I had the time, which I don't right now