Orthopedic surgery is defined as the surgery concerned with the musculoskeletal system, its conditions, trauma, and its cures. This may include spine diseases, injuries from sports or intensive physical activity, degenerative diseases, infections, and congenital disorders. Nowadays, people often opt for orthopedic surgeries instead of other procedures as orthopedic procedures develop a much strong foundation of the physiology of the body.

Body areas that require orthopedic procedures.

It is important to know what body parts and areas fall under the category of orthopedics.

. Spine.

Many procedures in the spine fall under the category of orthopedic care. The most common and popular procedure is Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion procedure. Another example is Lumbar Discectomy which deals with the regulation or removal of herniated or degenerative discs in the lower spine.

. Shoulders.

Shoulder injuries are very common in car accidents. In most cases, people are advised to undergo procedures such as mini-open rotator cuff repair, shoulder resurfacing, acromioclavicular joint repair, ORIF surgery, etc. Orthopedic procedures decompress the shoulder.

. Hips.

The most common injury in the musculoskeletal areas is a hip injury. The preferred surgeries to completely cure any hip injury are revision hip surgery, trochanteric fracture surgery, surgical dislocation for FAI, complete hip replacement, complete hip resurfacing, etc.

. Wrists and ankles.

Wrist and ankle surgeries are minor but still very important. For most joint, tendon, bone, and muscular injuries of the hand or ankles, you may require orthopedic surgery.

. Is it time I see an orthopedic doctor?

We are the generation where our days go by in seconds. We barely pay any attention to our physical or mental health. Our schedules are so busy that even when feeling intense physical pain, we will disregard it just so we don’t “waste any time”. And that is exactly how we end up making our physical conditions even worse. When we are talking about musculoskeletal issues, it is important that we see an orthopedic doctor as soon as possible. Dr. David Slattery, Best Orthopaedic Surgeon in Melbourne, believes that ignorance of musculoskeletal issues can result in permanent damage as well. Hence, here are some important signs you must not ignore and see an orthopedic doctor ASAP.

. Progressive pain in a joint.

When there is a pain in a particular joint and it keeps getting worse every passing day, it is possible that you may have a musculoskeletal problem.

. Stiffness or swelling in a joint.

When you are unable to move your joints in a circular motion due to stiffness, it is time you visit an orthopedic doctor.

. Shoulder pain.

Increasing shoulder pain can be a sign of tendonitis. It can be caused by over-exertion, aging, injury, etc.

. Difficulty in climbing stairs or going uphill.

If you have trouble climbing stairs, it is possible you have deteriorated hip or knee joints. In severe cases, orthopedic doctors may suggest hip replacement surgery.

. Twisted ankles.

In some cases, twisted ankles tend to swell and cause discoloration as well. If you notice pain, swelling, and unusually extended bruising, consult an orthopedic doctor.

. Stiff or bruised muscles.

When a muscle collides with sharp or bulky objects or is slammed into a rigid material, a muscle contusion occurs.

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Best Orthopaedic Surgeon in Melbourne