We share our world with an assortment of personalities, at various stages of growth and evolvement.
We each have our own slant and perspective on what we consider to be right and wrong in life.
One of the biggest challenges we face on a daily basis is being able to get along with others. Everyone has a life purpose and soul function. We all have karma; different things to experience and learn from while incarnate on the Earth Plane, and for that reason we must remember not to fall into the trap of judging others. Because, despite how things may often appear, there is always a bigger spiritual picture.
It can be difficult sometimes - when life, and the actions of others, threaten to discourage and dishearten us - to rise above petty and selfish behaviour, and overcome the heartache of feeling hurt and let down. But the alternative is to allow ourselves to become swamped by feelings of futility and
'What's the Point'?
So, we have to find a way of accepting that sometimes others will behave in a way that may leave its mark and rather than let this drag you down, remind yourself that you have a choice in how you choose to deal with it.
Are you going to allow the behavior of others to affect your Self Worth?
Are you going to allow the behavior of others to affect your Happiness?
The next time something happens that upsets or disappoints you - before you react or feel deflated - ask yourself what it is that you would like to happen, and then consider if the way you propose to respond is likely to bring you closer to achieving the desired outcome.
Always check the motive and intention behind everything you say and do. What is the motive behind your response? What do you Intend to achieve?
We cannot control what others say or do.
We can hope our friendship, fairness and love will be reciprocated but we cannot expect. Unconditional love means No Strings Attached. However, if a relationship or partnership is not going the way we would like then we must remember we do have the right to withdraw. We can continue to love others but withdrawing from harmful energies and situations enables us to protect ourselves, and others, from unproductive emotions and potentially damaging side effects.
It is not our place to judge others. There is a far greater power more qualified than us to stand in Judgement of others. We must only judge ourselves in any given situation.
Free Will means we Always Have a Choice. Karma is an accumulation of our choices both positive and negative. At the end of our life our choices count. They are taken into consideration and form the foundation upon which future lives are formulated. Unproductive choices create more karma which will eventually need to be addressed and cleared.
Choices that we make governed by over sensitivity and acute insecurity may be things we need to address - it's not just the obvious traits like cruelty and greed that may be stalling our growth.
When times are challenging perhaps we need to consider if the actions of others are providing us with an opportunity to positively handle something we need to experience and overcome.
The ancient wisdom of Qabalah can be explored using the Tree of Life. The sephiroth on the Tree of Life highlight aspects within our personality that perhaps we are not aware of. Each sephirah has a vice and virtue. The vices are what trip us up. The virtues are what we are aspiring to achieve. The Qabalistic Tree of Life offers inspirational insights that we can easily put to practical use.
So, the next time you feel the actions of others are bringing you down, try to focus - not on them - but on your own life, and your own emotional reactions and responses. It is not for us to decide what others need to learn. We must only focus on our own life, our own experiences and judge only ourselves in any given situation. It is our Attitude that holds the key and opens the door to moving forward. We are all each others Teacher. We can all learn from one another. Even if that lesson is how NOT to Behave.
More information on the practical Qabalah and Tree of Life can be found by visiting Isis Qabalah Tuition http://isisqabalahtuition.com and The Order of the White Lion http://www.orderofthewhitelion.com
The series of workbooks produced by the Order of the White Lion and Isis Tuition focus very much on handling the real issues of life and finding workable solutions to coping with things like lack of self worth and overcoming disappointment. The practical approach used in exploring this Ancient Wisdom can help us to move forwards and away from what we often perceive to be unfair, inconsiderate and selfish behaviour, and see life through the eye of the soul.
Lorraine Morgan is a founder member of The Order of the White Lion and co-author of the Practical Qabalah workbook series.
Lorraine began studying Qabalah and the Tree of Life over 26 years ago with the Mystery School of Maat, and is now committed to passing on this ancient wisdom for everyone to enjoy.
A complete series of workbooks is available - designed for beginners - to aid the student on their journey of self discovery and spiritual awakening, exploring the Qabalistic Tree of Life and ancient teachings of Qabalah. Visit http://isisqabalahtuition.com or http://www.orderofthewhitelion.com for more information.
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