No one likes dealing with big problems. I would prefer to just crush them. That technique doesn't always work very well. Some of the times using some finesse as a better alternative. I think my dad told me, “If I can’t get through something in my way, I try to dodge it, and if I can’t go around it, I try to get under it, and if I can’t get under it, I try to go over it, and if I can’t go over it, I just run through it.”

That’s the philosophy I like to use.

• Initially, find out if the obstacle can be forgotten. Turns out that a very high percentage (perhaps as much as 80%) can be dealt with in that fashion. It's the remaining ones that'll require your primary attention and focus.
• With the twenty percent, see if you can get past the obstacle by using your brains. If you can accomplish the same goal by using cleverness and guile instead of brute force, why not? A better way will be explained in the next few sentences. You'll find it to be one you'll probably use the most often.
• If you can’t get over, under, or around the obstacle, stand up to it firmly. For many of you this won't be easy. Confrontation can be very rough. But, like anything else the more you practice the better you'll get. Often this is where I find most of my real opportunities.

Thomas Jefferson had a similar idea about how to handle difficult situations. The great man stated, “Always take hold of things by the smooth handle.”

Consult with yourself.

You don't need much to use this technique. Just three things. Some paper, something to write with any place to sit.

The first thing to do is to build a list of his many ideas you can. After that slow down a bit. Write a second list of innovative thoughts. These can be creative and off-the-wall ideas. Try to find at least two or three. This could take quite some time. Now, review everything you've written down.
You want to come up with one idea.
Jot down what's good and what's bad about this idea. I like to divide my paper into half with the strengths on the left and the weaknesses with the idea on the right. The objective is to test the effectiveness of using this idea. This list of strengths and weaknesses will help you in that quest. 10 minutes seems to be more than enough time to do what I've suggested.

Practicing this technique from time to time will increase your skill at using it. That's like anything else that you practice. You'll generally get better the more and more you use something.

Author's Bio: 

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