Although my degree didn’t give me what a majority of the population deem “the typical post-collegiate path,” I don’t regret going to college ONE SINGLE BIT for 2 reasons:

1) I DON’T HAVE REGRETS!! I believe that everything that happens to you in your life, good or bad, should be viewed as a learning opportunity, and whether you actually learn from it is COMPLETELY up to you (depends upon whether take the time to analyze it or not).

Personally, I LOVE analyzing BOTH successes AND failures. This has allowed me to develop myself into someone much more educated from my PERSONAL experiences, than by dictating my life solely on the opinion of what others believe…as a result, I’ve been much more willing to take WAYYYY more risks than “most” others would have EVER attempted, based on their preconceived notions or what “someone has told them about” taking that particular action.

You can definitely learn from others’ opinions and mistakes, but start thinking about WHY these people are telling you not to do something…

Most often, you will be told NOT TO do something by someone who has either attempted that “something” and failed (and given up trying…without learning from their mistakes) or have “heard it thru the gravevine” (friends, family, the news) that “most people” who try doing that “something” do not succeed.

This is when I chuckle to myself…when the phrase “most people” is used as a scare-tactic. All this says to me is that it’s going to be a difficult task that only the strong can survive through. And what people are saying who tell you you “can’t” or “shouldn’t” do something, are simply saying they don’t believe you to be strong enough!!

I ABSOLUTELY view this as a challenge, and it just gives me even more fuel and motivation to know that I’m going to prove everyone wrong. When an individual DOES accomplish something that “most people” have not succeeded in…they are dismissed as “lucky” or “gifted”. However, all they really did was focused hard, APPLIED THEMSELF and fought off all of the naysayers by using the power of the mind via WILLPOWER!!

If you fall into this trap of listening to what others think, when do you find yourself ACTUALLY doing something?? Think about it for a moment…

Usually, it’s when “enough people” have encouraged you to do it or made it seem like a “safe” thing to do. Doing the “safe thing” will only lead to you perpetuating your past results…

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” – Tony Robbins

If you haven’t learned it by now, here’s your wake-up call…LIFE IS NOT a popularity contest!! Simply do what FEELS RIGHT in your heart with EVERY SINGLE action you take!! The RIGHT PEOPLE that support you will be ATTRACTED to you as a result!! :-)

EASY SOLUTION to the problem: stop worrying about what “most people” are doing…start doing the things YOU REALLY WANT to do, NOT the things that OTHER PEOPLE WANT you to do.

You can’t let the opinions of others DICTATE your actions. YOU decide on what YOU want, and GO FOR IT!! :-) You really DO have to be a little bit selfish when it comes to doing things that other people don’t want (you) to do, but after all, it is YOUR LIFE!! SO LIVE IT UPPP!!!!

The people who truly care about you will still love you through it all, so you CAN’T worry about losing people…if anything, you’ll lose the people that aren’t truly friends AKA the people that weren’t worth being friends with because they were simply holding you back from LIVING YOUR DREAMS!!

2) Experiences that shifted my thinking in college…

To be continued…

Author's Bio: 

Jordan 'Jomo' Molotsky is a Personal Development/Success Coach who LOVES life and is LIVING HIS PASSION!! Want to find out more about him and read more of his stuff?? Check out his blog:
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