An individual can encounter many unexpected circumstances that he or she doesn’t know how to deal with. For instance, many people in St. Petersburg, Florida find themselves in dilemmas when they experience dental emergencies. A dental emergency shouldn’t be considered as minor event, because many other dental problems can result from this complication.

Knowing how to handle dental emergencies can mean the difference between losing and saving a tooth. Although it’s highly unlikely for you or your family members to regularly experience tooth emergencies, you should know that conducting first aid treatment during dental emergencies is important.

There are several situations that can be considered as a dental emergency. However, you should remember that not all of these situations require visiting the nearest dental clinic. To help you handle these emergencies better, here are some common dental emergencies you may want to know about.


Many people find it difficult to decide if they need to see the dentist because of a mere toothache. Some toothaches are caused by minor dental problems and can be relieved by rinsing your mouth with warm water. You can also take pain relievers if the pain is severe and insistent. Most cases of toothaches can be treated on your next dental visit. However, if the pain is caused by physical trauma to the tooth and damage is evident, you need to visit the St. Petersburg dental center immediately.

Broken tooth

A broken tooth is one of the dental emergencies that call for immediate consultation at the nearest St. Petersburg dental center. A broken or chipped tooth can cause several complications, especially when the tooth’s nerves are exposed. Rinse your mouth thoroughly and put a cold compress on the area to avoid swelling and infection.

Knocked-out tooth

This is probably the worst dental emergency that requires attention from a dentist at a St. Petersburg dental center. The first thing you need to do with a knocked-out tooth is to retrieve it properly. Hold the tooth by the crown and avoid touching the roots and tissues. These tissues are important in restoring the tooth to its socket. If possible, replace the tooth on its socket. If not, store the tooth in a small container filled with milk or water and visit your dentist immediately.

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