Adenomyosis can bring great harms to women.The treatment of adenomyosis should be combined with the patient's symptoms, age, whether there are fertility requirements, etc. At present, young patients with mild symptoms can be observed and symptomatic treatment.

Progesterone, androgen, and gossypol can relieve symptoms. Those who want to give birth can be treated with hormone for 6-12 months, which can achieve the goal of relieving symptoms, but the symptoms will reappear immediately after drug withdrawal.

Patients can also consider local lesion removal, but there is a risk of recurrence after surgery. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine has become a safe and effective choice, such as the Fuyan Pill. It can effectively control or relieve symptoms. And it doesn't develop the resistance that hormone drugs do.

At the same time, it can improve patients' constitution, enhance immunity and reduce the possibility of recurrence. Most importantly, it can clean up the uterine environment and enhance the chance of natural pregnancy.

No fertility requirements, or no effect of drug treatment, consider a total hysterectomy for patients with severe symptoms. Whether or not to retain the ovary depends on whether the ovary has lesions, the patient's age, or the patient's fertility requirements.

What will happen if adenomyosis is not treated?

If adenomyosis patients do not receive treatment, they may have increased abdominal pain, increased menstrual blood volume, and pale complexion. In addition, adenomyosis can make the uterine body continue to expand. As a result, patients with excessive bleeding will have anemia, the possibility of pregnancy is minimal, and some patients will have abortion or embryo suspension.

A small number of patients may have endometrial growth to the myometrium. We can find adenomyoma in patients' bodies, and they are more likely to have precancerous lesions. If myoma volume is too large, it will compress the nearby tissue structure, causing frequent urination, constipation, or hydronephrosis. They should actively treat primary diseases, stay away from risk factors, and reduce the impact of conditions on life and work.

Adenomyosis patients usually have abdominal pain, repeated bleeding, and tenderness, and other symptoms. Patients should use various drugs combined with treatment under the guidance of doctors and regularly review the physical condition. Long-term use of drugs will increase the possibility of adverse reactions, and common adverse reactions include peptic ulcers, liver function damage, and osteoporosis.

A small number of patients can inhibit the secretion of estrogen by taking medicine to alleviate the body's discomfort. Still, most patients will have a relapse after stopping the drug.

Most patients need to receive surgical treatment as soon as possible. Patients with abnormal menstrual volume should remove the excess endometrium and carry out laboratory examinations to determine malignant transformation. Female patients with severe conditions or no special requirements can choose a total hysterectomy. Patients can inject the sclerosing agent into the ruptured blood vessels to reduce heavy bleeding with surgical treatment failure.

After treatment, patients should rest in bed and pay attention to the blood circulation of lower limbs. They can't get out of bed actively. Some patients may have post embolism syndromes, such as fever, vomiting, and pelvic pain.

Author's Bio: 

Untreated adenomyosis for a long time may cause infertility. And herbal medicine Fuyan Pill is a better choice to treat it can improve the chance of conception.