The idea of personality types based on placement of birth can actually help a parent know what toys might be most appropriate for their developing children. Let's take a look at a few of the most agreed upon beliefs from the experts.
First Born “The Oldest”- According to most psychologists, the oldest child tends to be the most responsible. However due to the excess responsibility of being the oldest, they often grow up too quickly.
To compensate for this, the oldest needs to engage in plenty of play time, fostering their imagination, making role-playing toys essential to their development, they need to be a kid. Some of the best toys and/or activities for eldest children are those that allow for role-playing as either a princess, cowboy, adventurer, or pirate. When parents can find the time to play along on these adventures, they will remember how great it really is to be a kid.

Second Born “The Middle Child”- The second born child is the peacekeeper in the family, and is quite happy and easy going. They look up the oldest child for guidance, and while they may have the occasional spat, such kids will often make great playmates, and find themselves with a built-in playmate and best friend for the rest of their lives.
The middle child loves to socialize, and the toys that will foster their imaginations are ones that can be shared with others, such as sports equipment, games, puzzles, dolls, and/or cars and airplanes.

Third Born “The Baby”- The youngest child is sometimes the most “spoiled”, but they also tend to grow up as easy going, happy kids that feel secure, confident and loved.
These kids often enjoy toys that foster a sense of accomplishment, such as puzzles and/or musical instruments. The youngest will be most interested in what their older siblings are playing with, which is why it is always great to find multiple-age toys they can all play together, such as games or action figures.
While there is no way to predict a child's interest just by their placement of birth, it does offer insight as to what kinds of toys may be of interest and help them grow into healthy, successful adults. A toy is not just a toy, but rather one of the first tools a child is given to help foster their abilities to think, communicate, compromise, and share with others.

Author's Bio: 

Jenny is a consultant with, a new online toy store that understands toys for businesses and organizations. She is also an expert at counselling parents on kids' behavior, and the best ways to bond with your kids. She believes that bonding with children during play time is the best way for a parent to learn about their child's natural tendencies, personality traits, behavioral issues.