We’ve got a beautiful lush planting in my garden called periwinkle. We learned that “periwinkle” grows according to its own rhythm: the first year it “sleeps”, the second year it “creeps”, and the third year it “leaps”. Had we not known and trusted this natural growth process, we would have been frustrated and unhappy with the periwinkle. We might have tried to force growth by aggressively over fertilizing or worse case scenario, rip out the plants complaining that they weren’t good performers, etc. Three patient years later, we experienced a marvelously lush ground cover.

The takeaway here? No forcing, rather an approach of perfect timing & action.
Can you relate this metaphor of growth to your own business? Your life?
There’s a trap that entrepreneurs can fall into called “forcing outcomes”. This looks like trying to make things happen, competing, pushing, striving with will-power and our ego.

Think about times when you rushed and forced a result? How did it turn out for you? More often than not, our results are NOT what we intended! Forcing can cost you money, create relationship problems and result in bad timing For example: puny sign ups for your next webinar, strained partnerships, loss of personal energy and confidence and an anemic bank account.

Instead of the exhausting “forcing, always in action & doing mode” try this effortless & elegant “coach approach “and celebrate your results:

1. Vision- Everything you want to accomplish, manifest or bring into your reality starts with your desire, your vision of what you want. Create a strong platform by writing down what your next goal is

2. Design It- Once you are clear on your intentions for your next program, product, or other goal then create your “project plan” What resources do you need, what is your timetable? Who’s responsible for what task? What are the barriers (internal or external) to achieving this?

3. Implement- Know what you want? Have your plan, strategies & tactics in place? Time to implement. A great way to ensure your success is to have an accountability partner via your coach, a community or colleague.

Author's Bio: 

Diana is the creator of multiples programs including her proprietary, Blueprint for Success System™, with this system, Diana’s clients experience incredible results by implementing the Dream It, Design It, and Do It Process™ that Diana teaches. Other programs Diana’s company,The Life Design Institute offers include : Design Your Life & Business in a Day Programs™ , The Dream-Card Kit™ and the Ultimate Success Coaching Club. In 2007, Diana co-created the Award Winning, Business Breakthrough Series ™ Training Program, and the Business Breakthrough Home Study Kit™ with Meredith Liepelt. Diana is also a contributing author to the book, "Power and Soul, Secrets for Creating the Business and Life of Your Dreams"

To learn more about how you can work with Diana so you design your business to support your "dream" freedom-based lifestyle, please email Diana@DianaLong.com or give us a call @ 740-657-1699