There are questions I should ask a plastic surgeon before considering treatment for reconstructive or cosmetic reasons. These would deal with details about the procedure, its potential health risks, how successful it can be in providing the desired appearance and the possibility of any health condition of mine or any medication I consume increasing the risk factor.

What I should Get to Know from the Plastic Surgeon

I need to ask the surgeon about his qualification, board certification and experience in performing the particular procedure.

• I should not be satisfied with anything other than certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery and many years of successfully carrying out various procedures, particularly of the kind I’m considering.

• I will need to check the testimonials of satisfied patients, and also go through their “before” and “after” photos in depth. The more photos my surgeon can furnish me with, the more convinced I’ll be about his capabilities.

Costs or the convenient location, though important factors, should not influence my decision too much since securing an experienced and board-certified surgeon is the priority and whether he is expensive or is situated far away doesn’t affect my health.

What to Expect from an Experienced Plastic Surgeon

A good and experienced surgeon will spend a good deal of time explaining the various procedures and understanding the expectations I have.

• Why do I seek cosmetic surgery? Do I simply want to look good or am I seeking acceptance to a social group or greater influence at the workplace? Do I want to show off at the beach or just wish to be happy when I look at the mirror every morning? It may seem insignificant, but these factors determine the satisfaction I’ll have from the procedure.

• An experienced plastic surgeon will also ensure that I keep my expectations realistic, which is why he’d be asking me the reason for seeking cosmetic surgery. Though modern laser-assisted procedures have made plastic surgery more precise, many factors affect the final outcome including the type of skin, area of the body where the procedure is to be carried out and the age and general health of the individual.

Where Will the Surgery be Performed?

I should also ask the surgeon where the surgery would be performed – at his/her office, on an outpatient basis at his high tech healthcare center, or at a hospital. Will I be administered local anesthesia or general anesthesia? If the latter, will there be any complications to expect?

Most importantly I must be comfortable with the whole procedure since I’ll be parting with a significant amount of my money to look good. Is it worth it? A good plastic surgeon will put the question to me and never convince me to go beyond my wishes.

These are some of the questions I should ask a plastic surgeon before considering treatment.

Author's Bio: 

Houston Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery is an established plastic surgery center providing the latest aesthetic and reconstructive surgical procedures. Dr. Sean Boutros and Dr. Jason Hall, together with their highly supportive staff work to give you a pleasant surgical experience and excellent aesthetic results.