As Wordpress is proving itself as the most useful, adaptive, and efficient content management tool, developers haven’t stopped its further customization. A fresh and successful example is Wordpress 3.1. With the launch of Wordpress 3.1, the process of content management has been added some better features and efficient formats. This has brought speed and refreshment to CMS as well as cut down distractions.

On the major front, PSD to Wordpress 3.1 conversion has introduced multiple post formats that allow the Meta information to be used by different themes like Wumbir, to customize the presentation of a particular post. This feature helps to take plain English post format to another level. With it you can specify the style or display the format of your post according to your choice. This also gives you the advantage of bringing all the links, videos, audios, or quotes attached to the post to a single place, in turn expanding the micro-blogging aspect of Wordpress. This feature can be somehow related to the Custom Taxonomies in the language of Developers, however with a built-in standardization in it.

Apart from the above mentioned specific advantages that have been provided by Wordpress 3.1, it has also lead to some useful improvements. These include distraction free writing to enhance the editor experience of composing full screen. This lets you easily focus on the content rather than other distractions. Another upliftment has been done in regard of Admin UI refresh. It has also brought new default theme to CMS which is based on the Duster theme, post format support, rotating header images and many more like these. Getting together the PSD to XHTML conversion, this new version of Wordpress has also provided more support to modern browsers. It lets the user know whenever; they reach the dashboard with an outdated browser. It has also brought more links to the admin bar, making work quicker and easier.

Now you can make the experience of integrating both PSD to Joomla and Wordpress together by using Wordpress for Joomla. Some useful features offered by it include easy installation, multiple blogging for multiple authors, supports for powerful native Wordpress plug-ins, provision of built-in commenting, trackbacks and pingbacks system, free default theme, support to 8 Joomla modules, integration of ‘JomSocial,’ importing of ‘MyBlog’ posts, as well as support for Ping-O-Matic. To use ‘Wordpress for Joomla’ in your computer system you would require a 5.0 PHP version or a 4.1.2 MySQL version. One also needs to turn on SEF URLs and mod rewrite for the purpose.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a highly professional and an experienced Content writer who publishes for Business Development. Visit at to know more about PSD to XHTML , PSD to Joomla and PSD to Wordpress.