Every woman must pay attention to vaginal health and one way to do this is to find the answers on what is yeast infection. Which is also referred to as candidiasis, is not ideally classified as an infection per se. Yeast, or scientifically known as candida albicans, is actually a normal vaginal inhabitant which means that it is by nature found in the woman’s vagina.

However, if it increases and grows significantly in number, it can overtake the other healthy organisms which are essential to maintain vaginal health. When this happens, a number of symptoms begin to appear and the most common one is vaginal itching.
It is also characterized by redness, itching and swelling around the vulva, white “cottage-cheese”-like discharge and pain with burning sensation during sexual intercourse. A lot of women often wonder and ask;what is yeast infection and how is it acquired? Is it a sexually transmitted disease? Is it curable?
One thing that people, not only women, should become aware of is that yeast infections commonly occur in moist areas of the human body like the mouth where it is referred to as “thrush” and in various skin areas that tend to become moist. The most common organism that causes this relatively common condition is C. albicans but may also be secondary to other yeast organisms. It should be understood that yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease and therefore cannot be transferred to another person via sexual contact and penetration.
There are several known factors that cause yeast infection. Some of which are hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle, health problems that affect the immune system which lead to the overgrowth of the candida such as stress and extreme fatigue, changes in the hormones during pregnancy, and intake of some medications such as steroids, oral contraceptives and antibiotics which may kill both the good and the bad bacteria that keep the vagina healthy thereby allowing yeast overgrowth. At this point, one can already get a concrete answer on the questions; what is yeast infection, and what are the factors that cause this condition?
It is treatable and can likewise be prevented. If you suspect that you may have this condition, consult your doctor right away. Medications will most likely be prescribed that can alleviate the symptoms and discomfort associated with it. It is also important to ask for professional advice on how it can be prevented and how to avoid its re-occurrence. For most cases, oral medications will most likely be prescribed and in some patients, antifungal vaginal medications in the form of creams, suppositories or tablets will likewise be recommended. What is more important is to seek professional help if the discomfort is getting worse or even at the onset of the symptoms that were mentioned.
Yeast infection can occur to anyone. More importantly, it requires appropriate treatment and medical attention before the symptoms get worse. The next time you find yourself asking “what is yeast infection?” be well-informed and spread this valuable information to people you care about.

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Yeast Infection No More
is a 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 35,000+ hours of nutritional expertise for eliminating yeast infection for good.

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