Premature ejaculation, also known as early or rapid ejaculation is an exasperating sexual condition that can emotionally affect you. Men who suffer from this problem are unable to hold back their ejaculation for a longer period of time and ejaculate earlier than they would like to. If you tend to orgasm and ejaculate quickly, you may want to know what the cause of PE and how you can treat it. This condition is not actually an uncommon one and most men have to deal with it at one point or another in their lives. Infrequent occurrence of premature ejaculation is not a matter of concern. However, recurrent episodes of PE can lead to frustration, stress, low self-esteem, relationship breakdowns, and marital conflicts.

What is the cause of premature ejaculation: It can be occurred due to a various reasons. It is now widely believed that both psychological and biological factors play a significant part in causing this sexual problem. Many experts are of the opinion that PE is a learned behavior from early rushed sexual experiences. Some of the psychological factors that can contribute to PE include feelings of guilt about sex, fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, performance anxiety, relationship problems with your sexual partner and emotional stress. Another common psychological cause of PE is the fear of making the partner pregnant.

Premature ejaculation can also be caused by certain medical conditions, such as prostatitis or inflammation of prostate, inflammation of urethra, some types of thyroid problems, high blood pressure, heart problem, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. Having erectile dysfunction can also increase the chances of PE. Other biological factors that may lead to this condition include abnormal ejaculatory reflex activity, hormone irregularities, and abnormality in brain's neurotransmitters. Alcohol abuse and illegal drug use can also contribute to this annoying problem. Additionally, there are some rare causes for PE like injury to the nervous system and some mental health medications.

Now you know what is the cause of premature ejaculation? Let us loot at the treatment options available for treating premature ejaculation. There are several ways to treat premature ejaculation, including the use of antidepressant medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, application of topical anesthetics over the genital organ, and psychological counseling. Some techniques can also help you control your premature ejaculation. Herbal treatment is another option to treat this condition.

NF Cure capsule is a very effective herbal treatment for premature ejaculation. This ayurvedic herbal supplement consists of many natural herbs that have traditionally been used to treat many male sexual problems. They are also helpful to boost your stamina, endurance, libido, and sexual health. NF cure capsule helps eliminate stress by improving blood flow to your brain. It also increases the blood circulation to your genital parts, strengthens your pubococcygeus muscles, and premature ejaculation, but also other male problems, such as nocturnal emission, reinforces parasympathetic nervous system. This herbal formula can be used to treat many sexual conditions, such as erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, nocturnal emissions, and the weakness of muscles.

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