The pain can be common if you’ve only recently started having a menstrual cycle. Some young women don’t have a regular cycle for several years when their periods start, which is considered normal and not usually a cause for concern to the women. If your cycle varies by a few days from one month to the next, it’s also not usually thought of as irregular cycle. Some women have a period every three weeks, others every five weeks either way it’s not out of the ordinary unless you have periods that are less than three weeks or more than five weeks apart.
Having periods that come less than 21 days apart is known as polymenorrhea in scientific term. If you have polymenorrhea your periods may also found to be irregular and/or unpredictable. Polymenorrhea can affect your fertility process, because you ovulate sooner during your cycle than normal and often infrequently, at different times every month.
This can be either of heavy periods or you’ll have a very light flow and your periods may not last very long. This can be caused by taking the contraceptive pill or using another hormone-based method of contraception pills. However, it isn’t thought to cause fertility problems any more than having a normal cycle of women. There are two types of amenorrhoea are primary amenorrhoea happens if you don’t start having periods by the age of 16. While secondary amenorrhoea is when you previously had regular periods but they have stopped for at least three months’ time.
This is when you get painful and frequent cramps during your period. Primary dysmenorrhoea is caused by the uterus contracting, and is often accompanied by heavy periods. Secondary dysmenorrhea is caused by another condition such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. Period problems are very common. That being said, it doesn’t stop the physical and emotional impact they may cause. But period problems can affect your mental wellbeing too, as some particularly painful and heavy periods can have a negative impact on your ability to work and your social life.
Though it can be difficult, there are various ways you can optimise your emotional health with polycystic ovarian syndrome period pain. If you have polycystic ovaries, it’s highly likely it will cause problems with ovulation. In other words your ovaries fail to release an egg each month, which means you won’t have regular periods. This happens because eggs developing in your ovaries may not mature fully enough to be released, though nobody really knows why. High levels of androgens can also disrupt your cycle, which can have an effect on ovulation, as can high levels of insulin which is something else often found in women with PCOS.
And despite PCOS having many symptoms that can be distressing, there is evidence that having period abnormalities may affect your emotional wellbeing more than anything else. One study which found that women with PCOS may have significantly higher levels of psychological distress than the general population claims that the main source of mental health problems in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome irregular periods problems, including having an irregular cycle. The good news is there are treatments available if you have irregular periods. Speak to a healthcare professional if you have consistent rather than occasional period problems such as heavy or painful periods, periods that last more than seven days, or infrequent or too-frequent periods.

Author's Bio: 

For the past 3 years I have been writing informative and high quality articles on polycystic ovarian syndrome. In the above article have covered topics such as polycystic ovarian syndrome period pain , polycystic ovarian syndrome irregular periods