Personality profiling is used in many industries. It may sound unusual, but it has many advantages. It is used more often than many would believe, too. Many companies use this as an alternative to a traditional Psychometric Test. Employers realise these personal profile methods are ideal for finding the right people to hire for any job role in any workplace.

Personality profiling gives a true impression of a candidate’s personality

No doubt you have heard the old saying, ‘first impressions last.’ There is a lot of truth in that. If your first impression of someone is negative, it is very difficult to override that later. You may assume a positive first impression in an interview would be a good thing, potentially highlighting the best candidate and leading to a job offer.

But how many times have we heard about people who interviewed well, only to prove themselves lacking when given the role they applied for? Such mistakes can be costly. Research suggests hiring the wrong person could lose a business an average of £8,200. That’s why you want to get hiring decisions right first time – and personality profiling can help you do that.

Personality profiling can build a profile of a candidate’s personality

Building a personal profile of each candidate means you can get an idea of how they would react to different situations.

Is your candidate an introvert or an extrovert? How would each of those personality types affect the way they work? Some jobs are better suited to introverts, including those that require plenty of solo work in isolated situations. Extroverts may struggle in such roles, yet they would excel in roles that involve lots of interaction with clients or the public.

Few people would admit to their weaknesses in an interview. Even when directly asked, they may try to put a positive spin on them. They may not admit to them at all. Professional personality profiling allows you to discover those weaknesses, so you can decide whether they would highlight a candidate who is unsuitable for that role.

Access honest answers about how a candidate thinks and reacts with personality profiling

We have all read articles giving advice on how to nail that interview. While few people would outright lie in interviews, many of us have polished the truth. If you interview someone who rates very highly, how can you tell whether they are being truthful or whether they have simply read up on good interview techniques?

Personality profiling allows you to cut through all the preparation and dig deep to find the true person underneath. It does not seek to show the person in a bad light, however. Rather, it highlights their strengths and weaknesses. You can then consider whether the role they are applying for is well suited to them or not. This type of personal profile will help you discover whether you have found the right person before you give them the job. Better to find out the answer beforehand than afterwards, when the cost of a bad hire could be significant.

Have the information presented to you in plain English

Unlike many Psychometric Tests where you need to be qualified to interpret the results, Personality Profiling reports can be read and understood by all. You can see an example of a report here.

Psychometric Test reports tend to be much more complicated to interpret and understand.

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Author's Bio: 

Denise Allen has been working in the marketing industry for over 15 years and is Head of Marketing at Skillsarena who provide Talent Tools which enable companies to select, develop and retain valued staff.