Slapping up a website online and expecting hundreds or thousands of people to find it right away is not the best mindset to have. It simply takes time for others to find your sight and it can be difficult to get the search engine rankings you need to get a good amount of traffic to your website on a daily basis. If you want to get your business in front of others searching Google you may want to try the Google AdWords program.

Google AdWords is an advertising program that you can use to get your business ad on the front pages of Google. The most common model that businesses use for advertising with the Google AdWords program is the CPC or cost-per-click model. When you go to set up an ad you will quickly learn how much you need to pay for every click you get in order to get your ad on the very first page of Google. Obviously you want your ad to show up on the first page because many people don't even look past the first page of search results. If a person clicks on your ad they will land on your website which is one way to get targeted traffic to your site.

Choosing Keywords

The first thing you'll need to do is choose some keywords. Once you choose the keywords that are related to your business or service, you'll learn what the fees are to get your ad placed on the very first page of Google, or even in the very first available Google ad position. You can enter in numerous keywords to get the fee amount for each one and go from there.

Setting a Budget

Once you know approximately what you'll pay to get your ads seen, you'll be able to set your budget. You can set a daily budget which is what many online advertisers use. The main reason why people love setting a daily budget is because it allows Google to give you the maximum amount of clicks for the specified dollar amount that you're willing to spend. If you find that you aren't getting enough clicks with that method, you can choose to manually set an amount (or bid) that you're willing to pay to get more clicks. Generally the higher up your ad is on the front page of Google, the more clicks you'll see.

Creating an Ad

Creating an ad is probably the most difficult aspect of Google AdWords. Although it isn't difficult to actually make the ad it can be tough to figure out what you need to stay to get people to actually click on your ads and make it to your website. You'll find that creating and testing a large number of ads will help you determine which one works best for you. Google provides a great interface that can be used to test various aspects of your ad campaign.

The Google Adwords program can definitely be one way to get targeted traffic to your site which is exactly what you want. It's easier to convert targeted traffic because they're already in the market for a specific something and hopefully you offer what it is they want.

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