Should I buy a breathing mask?
There are increasing numbers of experts advising healthy people against this. Because there is little or no evidence that breathing masks, especially the simple ones, offer protection. They are not considered breathing protection, but rather spitting protection. They can be used to prevent droplets from coughing or sneezing, for example. A normal so-called surgical mask therefore makes sense, if at all, for the sick rather than the healthy. The so-called particle-filtering half mask FFP2 is required for proper respiratory protection. But here, too, experts advise that they should only be used for medical personnel. Among other things, because supplies are running out.
Then what can I do to protect myself?
The virus is transmitted by droplet infection. It therefore makes sense to keep a distance from other people, especially those who have a cold. But unfortunately people who still feel healthy are already contagious. A distance of about one to two meters is enough. Sometimes it is advised not to shake hands with each other and to avoid hugs. Chancellor Angela Merkel, toodid not shake hands at an event on Friday evening. It is not advisable to attend mass events such as concerts, trade fairs or major events. Public transport is also a source of infection. Of course, as long as you are healthy and events are not officially prohibited, everyone has to be responsible for how they handle the risk. But what makes sense in any case: regular hand washing with soap.
What does thorough hand washing look like?
Hands should be washed urgently after: coming home, using the toilet, blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, before meals and after handling medication or cosmetics. And so:
Put your hands under running water: it doesn't have to be hot.
Soap your hands thoroughly: both the palms and back of your hands, fingertips, nails and spaces between fingers.
Rub the soap all over. Washing your hands thoroughly takes 20 to 30 seconds.
Then rinse your hands under running water. In public toilets, use a disposable towel or your elbow to close the tap.
Then dry your hands carefully, even in the spaces between your fingers.
Which disinfectants help?
If you don't have a sink at the moment, wet wipes or disinfectants can help. In this case, the Robert Koch Institute recommends using agents with the range of activity "limited virucidal", "effective against enveloped viruses", "limited virucidal PLUS" or "virucidal". Disinfecting his cell phone from time to time can make sense.
What else should I do?
Handkerchiefs should not be used more than once. If you don't have one at hand but have to sneeze, it should be in the crook of your arm and not in the palm of your hand. The same applies if you have to cough. But If still you are facing any symptoms related to Coronavirus then you might want to contact your doctor to use a COVID 19 Antibody Test Kit, or Real-Time RT-PCR Test.
Does the flu shot help against Corona?
A flu vaccine does not protect against the corona virus because the causative agent comes from a different family of viruses than the influenza viruses. But vaccination against flu or pneumococci is still useful; they can prevent you from getting two diseases that affect the respiratory system.
Are the churches actually stopping the greeting of peace?
Both the Catholic and Protestant churches advise their clergymen to take precautionary measures in circular mails. Thus, in the church services, the handshake as a greeting of peace is to be dispensed with until further notice. Receiving communion by mouth should also be avoided. Many churches also remove the holy water; The pools in Cologne Cathedral have been dry since Friday.
Can I apply for a home office?
You can discuss this with your employer. Whether he approves it is up to him. So far, there are no official state instructions.
Alex is a professional writer and digital marketing expert.
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