The other day I came across a blog post about the term “Lifestyle” business. The writer asked readers to comment on whether they felt having their business referred to as “Lifestyle” would be an insult. I must admit I was stunned at the level of emotion displayed in the responses, with the comments split pretty evenly between pro/con.

It seems there are a lot of people out there who feel pretty strongly that the “lifestyle” business concept is little more than a way of avoiding “real work.” Think they’re the minority?

Check out Wikipedia’s definition of a Lifestyle Business: “Lifestyle businesses are businesses that are set up and run by their founders primarily with the aim of sustaining a particular level of income and no more . . .” Seriously?

Apparently at some point the lines became blurred between those who start part-time businesses to supplement family income and those who start businesses to build something of their own rather than trade hours for dollars.

Having spent the last 7 years in direct sales, I know a lot of people working their hearts out to build their “lifestyle” businesses, and yes having the freedom to make lifestyle choices is a big part of the motivation, but so is “financial” freedom.

Ok, I know it’s just a word, get over it. What do you think?

Author's Bio: 

Marquita lives in Maui, Hawaii and her professional background includes a successful 20 year sales and marketing career as a "road warrior" traveling the world promoting the Hawaii, followed by seven years as award winning coach working with new entrepreneurs building a home based businesses. Currently she is indulging her passion for writing by growing a lifestyle blog and writing a book, while continuing to provide training and support to new entrepreneurs.