Wrinkles may be a sign that you’re aging, alright, but those creases and folds in no way signal that you’re starting to get rusty when it comes to caring for your skin. Wrinkles will surface on your skin at some point in your life but that should not discourage you from genuinely caring for your skin. In fact, when you notice those wrinkles, that should get you to pay closer attention to your aging skin.

What causes wrinkles?

Again, wrinkles will show up no matter what you do — that is absolutely certain. The only thing that’s variable is when you will get them, and there are a number of factors that influence how soon you start seeing those wrinkles and how fiercely and prominently they will appear when they do begin to manifest.

Below are the primary factors affecting how soon and how intensely you will grow wrinkles:

1. Genes and heredity.
These factors can greatly dictate how much and how soon you will age. Quite frankly, with this factor, there isn’t a lot that you can really do. However, as soon as you recognize your vulnerability to wrinkles, the sooner you can take specific steps to try to prevent them.

2. Amount and frequency of sun exposure.
You can love the sun but the sun will always be your skin’s worst enemy. Nothing ages your skin as intensively as unprotected sun exposure so make sure to always lather on your safe sunscreen. Even as you apply sunscreen, however, keep in mind that no sunscreen will be able to provide you with absolute protection from sun damage. Therefore, stay under the shade as much as you can, keep putting on those sun glasses and use other physical barriers like umbrellas and a broad-brimmed hat if you have no other choice but go out in the open.

3. Habits.
Certain things that you do habitually like sleeping on your sides or, making certain facial expressions can also cause you to grow wrinkles. As you well know too, if you worry a lot, this emotion can easily translate into wrinkles so, keep smiling and keep your spirits up!

4. Skincare routine.
The way you have been taking care of your skin for decades can factor into when you are most likely to grow your wrinkles. Remember to keep to a cleanse-tone-moisturize and exfoliate every so often skincare routine. If you have aging skin or, are in your 30s and beyond, it will do you good to employ a wrinkle cream regularly for daytime and night time care.

If you’re not quite ready for a surgery, an injection or a clinical procedure including laser treatment, then topical wrinkle cream application should suit you for now. Make sure to look for the following ingredients on the label: antioxidants, vitamins, peptides, collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and retinol. Pura Bella, which contains retinol, antarticine and marine collagen, is a good example of a well-formulated wrinkle product. You should look for a combination of ingredients, and ideally, the labels should also inform you of the concentration of active ingredients included.

5. Poor lifestyle choices.
What you do to your body, you also do to your skin too. So, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, don’t smoke, drink alcohol in moderation, and always get a sufficient amount of sleep. Simply practicing a healthier lifestyle can go a long way in helping you prevent wrinkles from showing up too soon.


None of us are exempted from growing wrinkles. While some are fortunate to be blessed with skin types that are highly resistant to wrinkles, most of us will have to make do with doing our best to follow good practices that improve our skin’s ability to fight them off. Most of the time, making positive adjustments to our healthy daily routines can make a significant difference on how we age.

Author's Bio: 

Sara Biston, a freelance article writer by profession. She has written numerous articles, online journals on health disorders, workouts, exercise and diet plans. She is also passionate about beauty and fitness. She has 6 years of experience in health and medical writing for beauty and medical communication industries. She also holds an education in Psychology that complements her belief of inner health. Her mantra is "Change your life by changing your mind. Today is a new day!"