“I wish I could just get that lucky break!” “I hope tomorrow will be a better day.” How many times have you heard this? You may even say it yourself, a time or two! Unfortunately, what most people don’t seem to understand is that nothing “just happens” in your life. You've got to do what you've got to do yourself to make something happen. We are inundated with material that would have us to think that all we need to do is to “believe and we will receive.” So, many people know what they want to happen, they believe it will happen and they have convinced themselves that all they have to do now is wait for it to happen. That’s like believing you’ll win the lottery but you haven’t bought a ticket! You are the one who makes things happen in your life. How do you define waiting? Is it a period of time where you do nothing? Or do you define waiting as a period of time to prepare for a transformation in your life? This is called “seed time.” Just as the farmer plants a seed, expecting a harvest, this is not idle time. The seed begins to germinate under the soil and the farmer works the top soil to provide the necessary environment for growth. Waiting has a way of rubbing off the rough edges of our lives. Our “waiting” time is a time of transformation that is designed to:
1.Educate – you should use this time to develop a level of discernment. Discernment is defined as, the ability to see and understand people, things or situations clearly and intelligently. You should use your “wait” time to look at where you are and where you want to go.
2.Expose – “wait” time will often reveal hidden motives and agendas. Waiting has a way of bringing out the best and worst in people. You might need to evaluate your reasons for “planting a seed.” People who don’t have good motives won’t wait long because they’re not interested in the commitment it takes to see something through.
3. Expose – sometimes, certain things in your life has to die in order for transformation to occur. This is a time to “clean out” toxic elements and relationships that you have outgrown. Everybody in your life right now is not designed to go with you to the next level. Everyone has a season in your life and when that season is over; it’s time to move on.
Sometimes, choosing not to do something is the wisest choice. However, there is huge difference between choosing not to do something and choosing to do nothing. Doing nothing produces nothing; choosing not to do something gives you an opportunity to make constructive use of that time. Amazing doesn't just happen. You have to make it happen. The choice is always yours. So which do you choose to do?
Wait for opportunity – You can be passive and sit back and wait for something great to come your way. You can rely on “luck” and knowing how to spot opportunities when they fall in your lap. Being passive.
Create opportunity – You can take action and be a part of your own destiny. Most successful people have a curiosity about life. They actively look at things and are engaged in their surroundings. Being active
Hope for the best – You may be waiting to be noticed or you may be standing in the outfield with your glove in the air just hoping for the ball to find you. Either way, you’re just being an observer in your life. Being hopeful.
Encourage action – You don’t have to wait for someone to notice you. Walk up and introduce yourself. Don’t just stand there waiting for the ball to find you. See where the ball is headed and go for it!! Start conducting your own life’s orchestra. Being active
Be content – You can be easily satisfied by sitting back and letting things unfold as they may. The problem with that is you can sit a long time waiting for something to happen and begin to feel powerless to turn your surroundings into opportunities. Being complacent.
Be inspired – You can derive some of your greatest satisfaction in life by solving challenges, growing personally and inspiring others. Don’t be afraid to shake things up in your life to see what hidden treasures lay beneath the surface of your existence. Being motivated.
The world is full of people just waiting for something to happen. Don’t be one of life’s bystanders. Be one of its actors. Remember: You can be on the right track, but if you’re not moving, you will still get run over by an oncoming train.
Linda empowers women through her gifts as a insight & wisdom coach, facilitator, author and inspirational speaker. Her passion is to influence women in such a way as to motivate them into positive action.
Linda works tirelessly providing her services to various women’s organizations. She facilitates several support groups, workshops, seminars and provides inspirational speaking for many women’s causes. She provides life skills to the Women’s Prison system and to community based programs offered through local agencies. Linda provides professional development to local colleges and businesses.
Linda is the author of “Your Past Has Passed” and is a Premium Expert Writer to It’s All About Women.com and a Trusted Author to Self Growth.com
Linda has a degree in English and is a Certified Insight & Wisdom Coach.
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