A hernia is a condition, when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. Theymostly occur in the abdomen, but they can also appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and even in the groin areas. There are mainly four types of hernias, which are explained below:

1.Inguinal hernia
They are the most common type of hernia and it occur when the intestines push through a weak spot or tear in the lower abdominal wall, often in the inguinal canal.This type of hernia is less common in women as compared to men as observed by doctors at the hernia treatment hospitals.

2.Hiatal hernia
This type of hernia occurs when a part of the stomach protrudes up through the diaphragm into the chest. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that separates the organs in the abdomen from those in your chest.

3.Umbilical hernia
Such hernias occur in children and babies under 6 months old. It happens when their intestines bulge through their abdominal wall near their bellybutton. A bulge is noticed in or near the child’s bellybutton, especially when they’re crying.

4.Incisional hernia
In this, the patient’s intestines may push through the incision scar or the surrounding, weakened tissue and they can occur after they had abdominal surgery.

5.Femoral hernia
It happens when fatty tissue or a part of the bowel pushes through into the groin at the top of the inner thigh.

6.Epigastric hernia
This type of hernia happens when fatty tissue pushes through the abdomen, between the belly button and the breastbone (sternum).

7.Spigelian hernia
In this, a part of the bowel pushes through the abdomen by the stomach muscle below the belly button.

8.Muscle hernia
The Muscle hernia occurs when a part of the muscle pushes through the abdomen, sometimes after a sports injury.

If someone suspects that they have a hernia, then they require urgent medical care and an accurate diagnosis is very important. The gastroenterologists in Gurgaon stated that in the cases of incarcerated hernia in which hernia doesn’t go back in seek medical care immediately. Such conditions can also lead to strangulation.

The specialists at gastroenterologist hospitals in Gurgaon, also explained that in hernia, the patients usually nauseous and vomit or are unable to have a bowel movement or pass wind. They may have a strangulated hernia or an obstruction, which are emergencies which requires immediate medical care.

Author's Bio: 

I am Gaurav Gautam, live in New Delhi, India. I am 28 years old. I am pursuing Mass. Comm. I love blogging, writing on health, fitness, lifestyle and Consumer Goods. I am available on Facebook, Twitter, Google+. Above article is about Different types of hernia