West Ridge Academy says that within the early stages of life, a crucial stage of development begins — the need to connect or bond with another person.~According to West Ridge Academy, the need to connect or bond with another person is a primeval need in all human beings which is present with us since the very first day that we are born.~As per West Ridge Academy, since the very first day that we are born, there is a very important and critical need that we all long for: the need to connect or bond with another person.} This is called the "attachment" stage.By instinct, parents recognize that babies cry when they are scared, tired or hungry. Our corresponding response to these cry for help will make the parent-child relationship either stronger or weaker. By continuously meeting the basic needs of the child for food, warmth and security, the child will feel more attached to the parent which shall be the foundation for life-long trust and comfort. Hence, attachment actually reinforces the feeling that we are not alone and that we are always safe, knowing that somebody will always be there for us when we need them the most.
As it is with infants, teenagers also have this longing to feel attached. Even though they may not be so forthcoming in expressing their needs, make no mistake that the need to connect with their parents are definitely in them. Even though there are many ways to communicate with your child in order to set that connection, there are also as many distractions for both parents and teens. Finding a way to stay connected is a critical component of raising satisfied, successful and, ultimately, happy children. According to West Ridge Academy, here are four important steps for parents to be guided in this process:
Step 1: Stay Connected. Parents would not be able to inspire their children if they are unable to establish a healthy connection: a general attachment and attunement with each other. Start by checking in with your child every day. Even though it's difficult to accomplish sometimes because of your different schedules, you must keep up because this is important. Ask, “How was your day? How are you doing at school? What did you learn at school?” At times, their responses will be minimal, but they need to know you care.
Step 2: Try To Do Things Together. Engaging in physical activities together is a nice way of showing to our kids that we enjoy spending our time with them. Anything that you can imagine will most probably do the trick. Going to your kids' activities or recitals for example. You have to be their No. 1 fan; show your support by being there even if your schedule is loaded, they will surely appreciate your gesture. Schedule a family dinner when everybody is available and amenable. Occasionally, include dessert to allow family members to linger and talk. Take away those distractions like cell phones, mobile devices and computers. Family bonding should be the priority for this particular time.
Step 3: Provide Order. Establish a firm family structure by setting boundaries and realistic expectations for each of the children. Treat them differently as they also have different individual needs. Teach accountability and ownership for one’s actions. Personal goal setting as well as sharing family responsibilities with them will help instill the importance of self-reliance in your children. As a parent, do not forget to hold your child accountable in every thing that he does. Show consistency in the way you implement the consequences by using these three guidelines: (1) You should be reasonable: Never set a consequence which you know is next to impossible to implement. (2) Be Relative: The consequence should be meaningful and associated with the wrongdoing. (3) You must be respectful: Never humiliate or embarass your kids in front of other people.
Step 4: The Value of Empowering Your Child. Make it a priority to know as much as possible about your children: their dreams, viewpoints, skills and talents. Guide them to have a sense of identitiy and purpose in life. Give them the freedom to chase their dreams and set their goals in life. So that they will feel that they are in control, let them make their own decisions; provided they are within bounds of the family structure.
Finally, as per West Ridge Academy, parents should immediately attempt to reconnect with their kids by showing empathy and speaking their kids' language, as soon as they notice that the child is slowly becoming disconnected. It’s never too late to reach out and connect. When parent and child fail to connect, the child often becomes a negative attention seeker by acting out or creating problems. One easy way to curb this is by giving your child the attention he deserves. Stay connected. Stay attached.
West Ridge Academy offers K-12 classes with a 15 to 1 student teacher ratio and is accredited by the NAAS. Opening its doors in 1964, West Ridge Academy has helped over 25,000 troubled teens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=236-JRQzXYQ
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